§ 156.070 INFORMATION.
   (A)   The developer shall prepare and submit a final plat at a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet (1"=100'). The plat shall be prepared and certified by a professional land surveyor licensed in the state. The subdivision plat shall meet all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chs. 354 and 355. The plat, including all signatures, shall be drawn with permanent black ink on photographic mylar (or similar material) and shall be a minimum of 11 inches by 17 inches and a maximum of 24 inches by 36 inches in size. If necessary, as in the case of a large subdivision, the final plat may be on more than one mylar (or similar material) sheet to accurately illustrate the land to be subdivided, provided each sheet shall display both the number of the sheet and the total number of sheets included in the plat; clearly labeled match lines indicating where the other sheets adjoin; and an index sheet/sketch shall be included to show the relationship between the sheets.
   (B)   Information on the final plat shall include:
      (1)   Name of subdivision and location by section, township and range;
      (2)   North arrow and bar scale;
      (3)   A descriptive boundary of the subdivision based on an accurate traverse giving angular and linear dimensions and shown by heavy dashed lines, and the location of section and quarter section lines in relation to the plat. Any boundary line along a horizontal curve shall be described by long chord and bearing, as well as by radius, direction (left or right) and arc distance. The exterior boundary traverse closure with a maximum allowable error of closure on any portion of the final plat shall be one foot in 10,000 feet and one foot in 5,000 feet for any individual lot;
      (4)   The exact location and layout of lots, streets, alleys and other public grounds, with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals of feet, interior angles or bearings, length of radii and/or arcs of all curves, and with all other information necessary to reproduce the plat on the ground, together with the names of the streets, and lots and block numbers;
      (5)   A location, use and width of all required easements. Perpetual easements shall be granted across a ten-foot wide strip of land abutting all front boundary lot lines. No permanent buildings or retaining walls shall be placed in the said easement ways, but the same may be used for gardens, shrubs, landscaping, and other purposes that do not then or later interfere with the aforesaid uses or rights herein granted. The subdivider shall grant perpetual easements to the public utilities, their successors and assigns, using said easements to erect, operate, maintain, repair and renew, cables, conduits, and other related facilities, and to extend thereon wires or cables for the carrying and transmission of electric current for light, heat, and power and for the transmission of signals and sounds of all kinds and the reception on, over, through, under and across all open spaces, common ground, recreational areas and nonpublic roads, but the same may be used for gardens, shrubs, landscaping and other purposes that do not then or later interfere with the aforesaid uses or rights therein granted;
      (6)   Location and description of monuments found and set;
      (7)   Building setback or restriction lines with dimension;
      (8)   Certificate signed by a licensed professional land surveyor, in conformance with Iowa Administrative Code 193c, Chapter 6-1;
      (9)   Dedication form and certificate signed and acknowledged before a notary public by all parties having any recorded interest in the land subdivided, consenting to the plat including dedication of all streets, alleys, and public ways and dedication of parks or other public grounds, and granting any necessary or required easements (see Appendix A);
      (10)   Certificate for the recommended approval and acceptance of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be signed by the chairperson and secretary (see Appendix B);
      (11)   Certificate for the approval of the City Council to be signed by the Mayor and attested
by the City Clerk (see Appendix B);
      (12)   A notation must be placed on the face of the final plat indicating that sidewalks are required for all lots and must be installed at the time the lots are developed or as otherwise directed by City Council; and
      (13)   Any variances, waivers or special notations that pertain to the subdivision plat.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)