§ 156.009 ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   No subdivision plat or lot line adjustment within the city corporate limits or within two miles thereof shall be filed with the County Recorder unless such document conforms to all applicable state and city ordinances.
   (B)   No building permit shall be issued for any structure or building until a final plat has been approved and recorded as specified in this chapter. Design standards and improvements within two miles of the city corporate limits shall be the same as required within this chapter.
   (C)   No building or structure on any platted lot shall be occupied until all required utilities including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, electrical, gas, water and streets to the lot are complete, functional and approved.
   (D)   The Public Works Director may compel the subdivider to clean right-of-ways, public easements, streets, and storm sewers on the site and adjacent area of debris, sedimentation and wastes due to the development, disturbance, excavation, grading, or improvement of the subdivision. The Public Works Director shall assign a time period in which clean-up operations will be completed that is based on perceived risk to public health and safety. Should clean-up operations not be completed within said time frame, the city may execute clean-up operations and bill the subdivider for the cost.
   (E)   It shall be the duty of the Director of Planning and Zoning to enforce these regulations and to bring to the attention of the City Administrator and City Council any violations or lack of compliance herewith.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)