§ 153.31 WALKS.
   (A)   General requirements. All parks shall be provided with safe, convenient, all season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use, durable and convenient to maintain, between individual mobile homes, the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents. Sudden changes in alignment and gradient should be avoided. All sidewalks shall be constructed to specifications approved by the city.
   (B)   Common walk system. A common walk system shall be provided and maintained between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated. Such common walks shall have a minimum width of four feet and may be constructed adjacent to street curbing.
   (C)   Individual walks. All mobile home stands shall be connected to common walks, paved streets, or to paved driveways or parking spaces connected to a paved street. Such individual walks shall have a minimum width of two feet.
(2011 Code, § 33.0115)