For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACCESSORY USE. A use incidental to the primary use of the mobile home park, such as direct service facility building, park, management building, maintenance building, community buildings or other uses of a similar nature.
APPROVED MOBILE HOME PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A mobile home park development plan approved by the City Council.
APPURTENANCES. An attached or detached addition to a mobile home, situated on the mobile home lot for the use of its occupants, such as a carport, garage, storage shed or items of a similar nature.
BUILDING CODES. Those applicable codes enforced by the Building Department of the city and known as the “Newton Building Codes”, including inter alia, all regulations concerning fitness for habitation, or the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use or appearance of any mobile home or mobile home park.
COMMON AREA. Any area or space designed for joint use of tenants occupying mobile home parks.
COMMUNITY BUILDING. A building housing toilet and bathing facilities for men and women, a slop water sink and such other facilities as may be required by this chapter or the Code of Iowa.
DENSITY. The number of mobile homes or mobile home stands per gross acre.
DRIVEWAY. A minor private way used by vehicles and pedestrians on a mobile home lot.
EASEMENT. A vested or acquired right to use land, other than as a tenant, for a specific purpose, such right being held by someone other than the owner who holds title to the land.
ELECTRIC PARK RECEPTACLE. The water-proof attachment receptacle device located adjacent to the water and sewer outlets to receive the flexible cable from the mobile home or, where required, the permanently installed conductors.
ELECTRIC SERVICE DROP. The part of the electric distribution system from the main electrical distribution system, overhead or underground to the service equipment serving one or more mobile home spaces.
EXISTING INSTALLATIONS OF MOBILE HOMES OR MOBILE HOME PARKS. Those installations which were constructed before the date of this chapter.
HEALTH AUTHORITY. The legally designated health authority or its authorized representative of the city.
LICENSE. A written license issued by the health authority allowing a person to operate and maintain a mobile home park under the provisions of the Code of Iowa, this chapter and regulations issued by the city.
MOBILE HOME. A transportable, single-family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, piers or skirtings, and containing water supply, waste disposal, heating and electrical conveniences.
MOBILE HOME LOT. A parcel of land for the placement of a single mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants.
MOBILE HOME PARK. A parcel of land under single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes for dwelling purposes.
MOBILE HOME PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A custom-made design for a specific site or area consisting of drawings, maps and engineering details to set forth the boundaries, topography and overall park design, including streets, parking facilities mobile home lot locations and service facilities.
MOBILE HOME STAND. The part of an individual mobile home lot which has been reserved for the placement of the mobile home and any appurtenances thereto.
MOTORIZED HOME. A portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.
NEW INSTALLATIONS. Those which are proposed for construction after the effective date of these rules and regulations.
OCCUPANCY PERMIT. A written permit which permits occupancy after inspection by the Building Official.
PATIO. A surfaced outdoor living space designed to supplement the mobile home living area.
PERSON. Any individual, firm, estate, trust, partnership, public or private association or corporation.
PICKUP COACH. A structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pickup or truck chassis and with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary or permanent dwelling.
PLAT. A map, plan or chart of a city, town, section or subdivision, indicating the location and boundaries of individual properties.
PRIVATE STREET. A private way which affords principal means of access to abutting individual mobile home lots or accessory buildings.
PROPERTY LINE. A recorded boundary of a plat.
PUBLIC STREET. A public way which affords principal means of access to abutting properties.
PUBLIC SYSTEM (WATER OR SEWERAGE). A system which is owned or operated by a local governmental authority or by an established public utility company which is adequately controlled by governmental authority. Such systems are usually existing systems serving the municipality or a water or sewer district established and directly controlled under the laws of the state.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. The area, either public or private, over which the right of passage exists.
ROADWAY. The portion of the mobile home park street system that is surfaced for the actual travel or parking of vehicles, and including curbs.
SEWER CONNECTION. The connection consisting of all pipes, fittings and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the mobile home to the inlet of the corresponding sewer riser pipe of the sewerage system serving the mobile home park.
SEWER RISER PIPE. The portion of the sewer lateral which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at each mobile home lot.
SHALL. That which is required.
SHOULD. Indicates that which is recommended, but not required.
SKIRTING. The materials and construction around the perimeter of a mobile home floor between the bottom of the mobile home floor and the grade level of the mobile home stand.
TENANT STORAGE. An enclosed space designed to provide auxiliary general storage space for an individual mobile home.
TRANSIENT USE. The occupancy of a mobile home lot by a mobile home for a period of 14 days or less.
TRAVEL TRAILER. A vehicular, portable structure on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling.
WATER CONNECTION. The connection consisting of all pipes and fittings from the water riser pipe to the water inlet pipe of the distribution system within the mobile home.
WATER RISER PIPE. The portion of the water supply system serving the mobile home park which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at a designated point at each mobile home lot.
YARDS. The area on the same lot with a mobile home between the lot line and the front, rear or side of the mobile home. For purposes of this chapter, the “front” of a mobile home shall be considered as that part of the mobile home facing toward the approved street or right-of-way as required by this chapter.
(2011 Code, § 33.0101)