§ 31.034 DUTIES.
   The duties of the Administrator or the Administrator’s designee shall be as follows:
   (A)   City laws. To supervise enforcement and execution of the city laws;
   (B)   Council meetings. To attend all meetings of the Council unless excused;
   (C)   Recommendations. To recommend to the Council such measures as may be deemed necessary or expedient for the good government and welfare of the city;
   (D)   Administration. To generally supervise and direct the administration of the city government and with the approval of the Council create such positions as shall be deemed advisable;
   (E)   Officers and management. To supervise and direct the official conduct of all officers of the city whom the City Administrator has the power to appoint. The City Administrator shall also be responsible for the management of all departments of the city, except the Boards of Waterworks Trustees and Library Board;
   (F)   Contracts. To account for all contracts of new work to be done for the city, all purchases of materials and supplies, and the assurance that such materials and supplies are received and are of the quality and character called for by the contract. This is exclusive of operations of the boards set out in division (E) above;
   (G)   Employees. Subject to the approval of the Council, to fix the compensation to be paid all of the city employees which the City Administrator has the power to appoint. The City Administrator shall have the power to employ, reclassify or discharge all employees of the city, except the City Attorney, City Clerk and employees of the boards set out in division (E) above. Said employment, reclassification or discharge shall be subject to provisions of the Soldiers Preference Law (Iowa Code Ch. 400). The City Administrator shall also have power to appoint or employ persons to fill all the positions for which no other mode of appointment is provided, subject to the responsibilities and duties of the Mayor as provided by law. The Administrator shall have the power to administer oaths of office;
   (H)   Property and facilities. To assist in the management of all city property and facilities, except property improvements and undertakings managed by the boards set out in division (E) above;
   (I)   Boards of Trustees. To cooperate and assist in the management of the boards set out in division (E) above. The City Administrator shall also assist in the preparation of their budgets and be responsible for their submission to the Council as a part of the city’s total budget. The City Administrator or a designated assistant shall be the liaison and contact persons between the board and commissions of the city and the City Council;
   (J)   Investigations. The City Administrator, or any person designated by the City Administrator for the purpose, may summarily and without notice investigate the affairs and conduct of any department, agency, officer or employee under the city supervision and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the city are faithfully observed in regard to services maintained by the public utilities in the city;
   (K)   Licenses and permits. To be responsible for the issuance of all licenses and permits required by state statute or ordinance and to provide for and cause records to be kept of the issuance and revocation of such licenses and permits. Council approval prior to issuance shall be obtained when required;
   (L)   Budget. To prepare and submit to the Council and Mayor annually the required budgets for its review and approval;
   (M)   Financial reports. To make to the Mayor and Council on a quarterly basis a balance sheet report showing fund balances in all city funds. Copies of monthly financial reports showing receipts and disbursements for the preceding month must be available at the Clerk’s office for public distribution;
   (N)   Organization. To consolidate, eliminate or combine offices, positions, departments or units with the approval of the City Council. The City Administrator may be the head of one or more departments; and
   (O)   Other duties. To assume other duties as duly directed by the Council.
(2011 Code, § 4.0105)