(A)   Granting of beer, liquor and wine licenses and permits. All beer, liquor and wine permits issued to persons operating businesses within the city shall be applied for, investigated, administered and, if necessary, suspended or revoked in accordance with the provisions of said Iowa Code Ch. 123. The Council, City Clerk, Police Chief and all other city officers and officials are hereby authorized and directed to perform all duties and provide all services required of them by said Iowa Code Ch. 123.
   (B)   Compliance with beer, liquor and wine license and permit requirements. All licensees and permittees granted licenses and permits within the city pursuant to the terms of Iowa Code Ch. 123 shall, at all times, comply with the requirements of Iowa Code Ch. 123. Failure to do so shall subject the licensee or permittee to all civil and remedies specified in said Iowa Code Ch. 123.
(2011 Code, § 12.0201)