Each police officer or parking enforcement attendant reporting a parking meter violation shall also attach to the vehicle a notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been parked in violation of a provision of this section, instructing such owner or operator to report at the Police Department of the city in regard to such violation. Each owner or operator may, within 30 days of the time when such notice was attached to such vehicle, pay at the Police Department or by deposit in authorized collection boxes as a penalty for and full satisfaction of such violation, a sum as established by resolution of the City Council. If such fine is not paid within 30 days, the fine shall be increased by an amount as established by resolution of the City Council and a complaint may be filed as provided by Iowa Code Ch. 804. The fee schedule shall be periodically amended as deemed as appropriate by the Council.
(2011 Code, § 11.1040) (Ord. 2259, passed 9-21-2015)