Water main taps. The Utility or the contractor may make taps to the city mains for water service connections, and install the corporation stop. If the installation requires a tapping valve and sleeve, the customer or contractor shall pay for this as part of service line. The customer is responsible for installation of the water service from the corporation stop or tapping valve and sleeve. Excavation of the water main shall be the responsibility of the plumbing contractor and must conform to the Utility’s safety standards and be in full compliance with OSHA rules. The customer or plumber will be charged for the cost of the water main taps.
(A) Application for service. Application for water service line connections shall be made, in writing, to the Department of Public Works by the owner of the property to be served or by the owner’s agent. Such application shall state the official address(es) of the property to be served, the size of the pipe required and the approximate location.
(B) Service lines.
(1) Cost of installation to property owner. All service lines, including the connection to the distribution water main, shall be installed at the expense of the owner of the property to be served.
(2) New lines. The size of all new service lines shall be as set forth in the standards on file in the Department of Public Works.
(3) Adjacent private property. A water service line shall not be installed on adjacent private property unless the plans have been reviewed and approved by the Utility, and the property owner has procured an easement.
(4) Backflow prevention. The utility will require backflow prevention to be installed on new or replaced water lines where backflow is likely to result in contamination.
(a) Backflow devices installed will be required to meet the minimum requirement for containment. This means that the device will protect the potable water source from actual or potential connection, physical or otherwise, between the city potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or tank, receptacle, equipment, or device, through which it may be possible for non-potable, used unclean, polluted, and contaminated water, or other substance, to enter into any part of the potable water system under any condition.
(b) The Utility will recommend the appropriate piping arrangement and type of backflow preventer based on the degree of hazard that will be encountered. The unit must be installed as close to the service entrance as possible.
(c) Backflow prevention is required on all service piping where there is a potential exposure to contamination. A licensed installer and tester shall inspect the device, upon installation.
(d) The customer shall be responsible for having the backflow device tested annually by a licensed tester, and the result shall be forwarded to the Utility for documentation.
(5) Separate connections. There shall be separate service lines from the distribution water main to each building service. Such service lines shall be installed according to the standards adopted by City Council, except as follows here and elsewhere in these rules.
(a) Multiple occupancy buildings. Each unit shall be considered a separate customer and shall be metered and billed separately; except service to apartments or offices under one roof in which the owner or landlord assumes responsibility for payment of water consumed by the tenants, and may be billed under one meter.
(b) Combined bill. Any firm or corporation under one roof or group of buildings at one contiguous location separated only by public property, may be furnished water through one or several meters. At the discretion of the utility, customers served by more than one meter may receive a combination usage bill.
(c) Mobile home parks. Each mobile home park shall be considered a single customer, served by one meter, and shall be billed accordingly. Water shall be billed to the owner or designee at the multi-family rate using commercial water rate schedule.
(d) Subdivisions. At the Utility’s discretion, a master meter may be required to meter a whole subdivision. This is used when the Utility does not maintain the water main system within the subdivision. This meter shall be billed at the multi-family rate.
(6) Extension. After a service line has been laid, no person shall make any attachment or connection to said service line in order to serve any other property or buildings.
(7) Shutoff required.
(a) An outside stop box shall be provided for each individual building or property for each service line, shall be located between the curb and property line, shall be visible from the sidewalk or public right of way and be accessible to the city. For a building or dwelling with more than one dual purpose water meter, an individual shutoff valve shall be provided for each such meter. This can either be done by installing a separate outside stop box for each meter or by installing the shutoff valves and meters in a common utility space. If the shutoff valves are located in a utility space, access to this space must be provided to the city, including a key. This requirement shall also pertain to an existing building that is being modified to provide for multiple meters.
(b) For those buildings so modified prior to October 3, 2022; where no common utility space with outside access is available, the account(s) attributable to the stop box shall be placed in the property owner's name, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 2421, passed 11-8-2022)