(A)   Report.
      (1)   The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident within the city limits shall file a police report as and when required by the State Department of Public Safety.
      (2)   A copy of this report shall be filed with the city for the confidential use of peace officers and shall be subject to the provisions of Iowa Code § 321.271.
(2011 Code, § 11.0105)
   (B)   Investigation of traffic accidents. The Police Chief shall investigate all accidents reported. If sufficient evidence of a violation is found, proper action will be taken to charge the violator.
(2011 Code, § 11.0106)
   (C)   Traffic accidents; studies. Whenever the accidents at any particular location become numerous, the Police Chief shall conduct studies of such accidents and propose remedial measures.
(2011 Code, § 11.0107)
   (D)   Files maintained. The Police Chief shall maintain a suitable record of all traffic accidents, warnings, arrests, convictions and complaints reported for each driver during the most recent three-year period.
(2011 Code, § 11.0108)