(A)   Performance requirements.
      (1)   Natural light. All habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or rooming unit shall be provided with natural light means of exterior glazed openings with a minimum area 8% of the floor area. All bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall comply with the habitable space requirements.
      (2)   Natural ventilation. All habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or rooming unit shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with minimum area of 8% of the floor area.
      (3)   Ventilation. In lieu of required exterior openings for natural ventilation, a mechanical ventilation system may be provided. Such system shall be capable of providing two air exchanges per hour in all habitable rooms. One-fifth of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. In bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms, a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside, capable of providing five air exchanges per hour, shall be provided.
   (B)   Structural requirements.
      (1)   Maintenance. Every window or other device with an opening to the outdoor space which is capable of being used for ventilation purposes shall be maintained in good state of repair. This includes screens, if applicable.
      (2)   Doors. Every door opening directly from a dwelling unit or rooming unit to the outdoor space shall fit reasonably tightly within its frame and shall be maintained in good order and a good state of repair.
      (3)   Additionally. Additional structural requirements are set out in divisions (A)(l) through (A)(3) above.
   (C)   Acceptability criteria. Every dwelling unit or rooming unit shall have natural light and natural ventilation. Mechanical ventilation may be substituted in lieu of natural ventilation. Exterior openings or mechanical systems shall be maintained in good working condition to ensure an appropriate climate for a healthy living environment.
(Ord. 2364, passed 9-3-2019)