(A)   No license shall be issued if the applicant or any of its owners, managers, employees, contractors, agents, or other persons performing massage therapy at or on behalf of the Massage Therapy Business has a criminal conviction for a sex crime as defined by Iowa Code Chapter 709, or for Prostitution as defined by Iowa Code Chapter 725, or for keeping a house of prostitution as defined by Iowa Code Chapter 657, or who is a registered sex offender, or who has been denied a license by any other community.
   (B)   Licenses shall be issued only if the applicant and all of its owners, managers, employees, contractors, agents, or other persons performing massage therapy at the massage therapy business are free of convictions for offenses which involve sex crimes or which relate directly to such person's ability or fitness to legally and safely perform the duties and discharge the responsibilities of the licensed activity.
   (C)   Licenses shall only be issued to applicants who have provided all of the information requested in the application, have paid the license and application fee, if applicable, and have cooperated with the Chief of Police and other city officials in review of the application.
   (D)   The business license, if issued, shall be displayed on the business premise in a conspicuous public area.
(Ord. 2318, passed 1-3-2018)