(A) Purpose. To describe how debris clearance will be accomplished following a disaster in the City of New Prague.
(B) Responsibilities. The Public Works Department will be responsible for debris clearance.
(C) Policies and procedures.
(1) Except in unusual circumstances, removal of debris from private property will be the responsibility of the property owner.
(2) A temporary dump site will be available at the city dump site on Columbus Ave. North.
(3) Debris will be disposed of at licensed and/or designated disposal site.
(4) If additional debris clearance-type equipment/assistance is needed, it can be requested through Scott County Emergency Management Office.
(5) Scott County Emergency Management will coordinate the disposal of animal carcasses.
(D) Supporting documents.
(1) A listing of construction contractors which have debris removal-type equipment, and which are located in the city, is on file at Scott County Emergency Management Office.
(2) A listing of hazardous material cleanup contractors is located at the Scott County Emergency Management Office.
(E) Authentication.
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Date Public Works Director