(A) Purpose. To provide an overview of how damage assessment will be accomplished following a disaster in the city of New Prague.
(B) Responsibilities.
(1) The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for:
(a) Developing and maintaining a damage assessment “team” composed of municipal and/or private sector agency representatives. (See attachment #3 for list).
(b) Maintaining an up-to-date listing of damage assessment team personnel
(c) Maintaining the procedures to be followed for damage assessment.
(d) Coordinating the initial damage assessment process, following the occurrence of a disaster.
(2) The city of New Prague Government officials who, depending upon the nature of the disaster, will participate in a damage assessment efforts:
(a) Public Works Director;
(b) Building Inspector;
(c) City Planner.
(3) The Scott County Emergency Management Coordinator will coordinate the County Officials who will participate in the damage assessment efforts.
(4) Private Sector Agencies. Private sector agencies that might be available and that might be appropriate participants in damage assessment effort.
(a) Realtors;
(b) Hazardous Materials clean-up contractors;
(c) Building Officials;
(d) Building Contractors.
(C) Policies and procedures.
(1) A damage assessment effort will be initiated as soon as practical following the occurrence of a disaster.
(2) Where possible and when appropriate, pictures will be taken of damaged areas, and city maps will be used to show the location of damage sights.
(3) When damage assessment is carried out in conjunction with a request for state or federal disaster assistance, the New Prague Emergency Management Coordinator will contact the Scott County Emergency Director, who will coordinate with the Minnesota Division of Emergency Management (DEM).
(4) When possible, the New Prague Emergency Management Coordinator and other appropriate local government officials will participate in damage assessment procedure training.
(D) Supporting documents. For additional information and guidance, refer to: Disaster Response and Recovery: A Handbook for Local Government. (Available from the Scott County Emergency Management Director.)
(E) Authentication.
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Date City Administrator/Emergency Manager