(A) Purpose. To describe how direction and control of the City of New Prague response to a disaster will be accomplished.
(B) Responsibilities.
(1) The Mayor and City Council of New Prague will be responsible for providing overall direction and control of city government resources involved in the response to a disaster. The line of succession to the Mayor is as follows: Mayor/Vice President City Council/Ranking City Council Member.
(2) Mayor/Council. The City Administrator in addition to the City Council will serve in a staff capacity to the Mayor, will carry out his or her policies and directives, and will coordinate Emergency Management Operations. Line of succession to the Mayor and City Council is as follows:
City Administrator (Emergency Management Coordinator)
(a) Deputy Emergency Manager
(b) Police Chief
(c) Fire Chief
(d) Public Works Director
(e) Ambulance President/Director
(C) City of New Prague Emergency Operating Center (EOC). Direction and control of New Prague’s response to a disaster will be carried out at the New Prague EOC. The EOC is located at 118 Central Ave. No. (Fire Station) Alternate EOC is located at 300 E. Main St. (N.P. Utilities Office) Each EOC can be activated within minutes of notification.
(1) Criteria for EOC Activation. The degree of the City’s EOC activation will be determined by the City Warning Officer (Police Dept.).
(a) The EOC may be partially activated due to a potential threat to life of property from severe weather, (such as tornado, flooding, blizzard, terrorist incident) or a hazardous materials incident/accident that is a controlled release of a reportable product (Operations level 1).
(b) The EOC will be fully activated in response to an emergency resulting in an actual threat to life and property. This will include, but is not limited to: a tornado touchdown, emergency levee failure, pipeline leak, or flooding which causes damage to the public and private sector and requires a coordinated response effort; a hazardous material incident/accident involving the response agencies, (including federal and state, as well as surrounding counties and municipalities, or enemy attack, or act of terrorism. (Operations Level 2 and 3).
(2) Responsibility for EOC Activation. In the event of a major disaster, EOC staff will be expected to automatically report to the EOC. However, the City Emergency Management Coordinator or designee is responsible for ensuring that the EOC is activated according to the previously described criteria.
(3) Staffing of the EOC.
(a) Staffing of the EOC will normally consist of the Mayor, City Administrator, Deputy Emergency Manager, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Utilities Department Head, Ambulance Coordinator, and anyone else requested by the Mayor. (The staffing list for the New Prague EOC is attachment #1). EOC staff is responsible for the operations of their particular service or assignment. Each department/agency which is represented in the EOC is responsible for ensuring that its representative is familiar with the duties which he/she is expected to perform at the EOC.
(b) Each department head will be responsible to ensure that a department representative is capable to be relieved and replaced to ensure 24 hour staffing of the EOC. Cots and bedding material are available.
(c) Response to Terrorism Alert Information (see Attachment #10).
(d) The city will have an on-scene command post as necessary. If the EOC has been activated it will have oversight of all activities. The EOC will be kept informed on a timely basis of the response efforts.
(4) Communication capability. The EOC Communications Capability is limited to telephone, cell phone, radio, fax, and computers.
(5) Emergency power. The primary EOC has Electrical Back-up Power Provided by Eckles Telephone. The secondary EOC is located at the municipal electrical generation building which has power generation.
(6) EOC Equipment/supplies. The Emergency Manager or designee is responsible for ensuring that the EOC is operational, that the necessary maps, displays, tables and chairs communications equipment, message logs, and the like are on hand and available for use in the EOC.
(7) EOC Security. Security at the EOC will be provided by the Police Department, Police Reserve or with assistance from the Sheriff’s Office.
(8) EOC capabilities. Each EOC has water and sanitation provided by municipal service. Each department has access to alternate water sources.
(D) Authentication.
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Date Emergency Manager