(A)   Enforcement. The Director shall have responsibility for enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. The Director may serve notice upon any person concerning any violation of this chapter and may order the cessation of any work being undertaken upon any tree, shrub or other vegetation in an unsafe manner which may be threatening to any property owned or controlled by the City or which may affect the health, safety or welfare of any individual. The Director may also request citations be issued by any Code Enforcement personnel against any person for any violation hereof.
   (B)   Violations. If the Director determines that circumstances so warrant, any person found to be in violation hereof shall be notified, in writing, of such violation and given 30 days in which to complete corrective measures without being issued a citation. In the event such violator fails to take the requisite corrective measures within the stated period of time, a citation for the violation may be issued and the Community Services Department may undertake the necessary corrective measures and shall be permitted to bill the violator for all cost incurred, including administrative and legal costs, as a result thereof.
(Ord. O-2019-011, passed 7-22-2019)