(A)   (1)   The contractor shall plank any sidewalks, gutters or curbs with 2 by 10 planking or equivalent as determined by the building inspector if trucks, tractors or dozers are to be used in the areas for loading or unloading.
      (2)   The contractor will be liable for any damage caused during the time of demolition of the structure to these areas.
   (B)   (1)   The contractor is to use barricades as so specified in the demolition permit.
      (2)   The contractor shall make provisions to protect adjacent buildings and property from debris, dust, fire, inaccessibility or any form of inconvenience of damage.
      (3)   Any changes accomplished by the contractor shall be the responsibility of the contractor and be made good by the contractor at his or her expense.
   (C)   The contractor will insure that any adjacent buildings, foundations and property shall be shored and braced during demolition, filling and compactions.
   (D)   The contractor will insure that the building to be demolished is treated to exterminate rodents and insects.
   (E)   (1)   The contractor will insure that all utilities such as sewer, water, gas and/or electric will be terminated.
      (2)   The utilities shall be terminated in a manner that will permanently seal or cap off the lines.
   (F)   Contingent upon the demolition permit issued by the building inspector the contractor shall remove the entire building, including any and all out buildings from the roof through the footings, any walks, fences and all miscellaneous items, or as specified on the permit and contract. The contractor shall remove all materials from site promptly.
   (G)   Contractor shall break up all basement concrete slabs into not more than 1 foot by 1 foot segments.
   (H)   Contractor shall remove all large items, such as cars, stoves, refrigerators, mattresses, boxes or any item from the site that may cause excessive settlement and water ponding.
   (I)   (1)   Contractor shall use no cellulose material for the purpose of filling the void.
      (2)   Only bank run, brick bats and non- deteriorating material shall be used for fill.
      (3)   No flammable material shall be used for fill.
   (J)   Contractor shall perform compaction operations adequate enough to prevent excessive ground settling and ponding of water.
   (K)   The contractor shall do no burning of material or debris of any nature of the location, except for warmth for the construction workers themselves, unless a burn permit has been secured from the Newport Fire/EMS Department.
(1995 Code, § 15.16.040)
   (L) The disturbed site shall be capped with a minimum of 6 inches of rock free topsoil which shall then be seeded and strawed. Erosion control measures shall be implemented and maintained by the contractor until sufficient vegetation has been established as determined by the building inspector.