(A) For the purpose of providing emergency services when necessary, it shall be required that the licensees of all business establishments within the City which sell, dispense or furnish any alcoholic beverages, by appropriate retail package or retail drink licenses, to submit to and file with the City, a floor plan of the licensed premises which shall clearly indicate all points of entrance and exit. The floor plan shall be drawn on the form to be submitted to each licensee by the City.
(B) The licensee shall be required to supplement or update the floor plan, which shall be on file with the City, from time to time and in the event that the licensed premises shall undergo any change in the number of entrances and exits. The addition to or removal from any licensed premises of any entrance or exit shall be clearly indicated on the supplemental or updated floor plan.
(C) An entrance or exit shall be construed as a door, opening or passageway that is or can be used as a point of ingress and egress to the licensed premise.
(1995 Code, § 5.08.060) (Am. Ord. O-2013-011, passed 8-19-2013)