(A) All citizens are encouraged and invited to attend all meetings held by the Board of Commissioners.
(B) Members of the public desiring to address the Board of Commissioners during the open public forum shall speak only from the designated podium after being recognized by the presiding officer and after stating his or her name and address for the official record.
(C) Comments shall be limited to 5 minutes unless otherwise extended by the presiding officer.
(D) All remarks shall be addressed to the Board of Commissioners as a body.
(E) No person, other than members of the Board of Commissioners, City Manager, City Solicitor, City staff and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to ask questions and enter into discussions, either directly or through the members of the Board of Commissioners.
(F) Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous comments or remarks, or who shall become disorderly, boisterous or abusive while addressing the Board of Commissioners, may be requested to leave the meeting and may be barred from further audience before the Board of Commissioners during that meeting.
(G) Interested persons or their representatives may address the Board of Commissioners for the reading of protests, petitions or communications relating to matter over which the Board of Commissioners has control.
(H) Interested persons or their representative may also address the Board of Commissioners by written communication relating to matters over which the Board of Commissioners has control at anytime, by direct mail, copies of which shall be distributed to the members.