The Town has created a geographic information system (GIS) to store, manage and maintain geographic/spatially related data for the Town of New Palestine. It is the Town's goal to use computer aided technologies, such as Computer Aided Design (CAD) to expedite the review process and update the Town's GIS basemap. This will be accomplished by the development of standards and procedures for the integration of digital CAD drawings into the GIS environment, whereby maintaining the integrity and positional accuracy of the data.
Below are the requirements for submission of digital as-built AutoCad and GIS data, which are required for construction projects in the Town of New Palestine.
A.   A plan view of the affected construction area shall be submitted in a digital CAD drawing. The engineering design shall be completed in a drawing (digital file) that includes plan and profile drawing sheets. The file format will be AutoCAD Drawing Interchange File (DXF) format. DXF files can be created from all major CAD and GIS packages.
B.   The drawing file shall be submitted in State Plan coordinates with three points of geodetic control for spatial reference. Drawings submitted in plan and profile sheets are not stored in a drawing coordinate system which translates to real world locations. A digital file must be submitted and must contain all information for new or altered GIS structures and any or all accompanying geodetic control. Acceptable control includes section corners and street intersections. It is required that the control used be referenced and shown in the plan drawing. If a section corner is located within the project limits it should be symbolically indicated and annotated in the design file. If the nearest section corner is located well outside of the project area, it should be tied to one of the geodetic control points used. All street intersections should be symbolically indicated. Any land survey information, such as basis of bearings and or any assumptions must be submitted and annotated on the design file.
C.   Required graphic specifications shall include layer names and color definitions. Graphic file specifications are shown in Appendix 3-A. All features included in the submitted GIS review will follow these specifications in the following manner:
1.   The feature will be submitted on the specified layer.
2.   The color number of the features that have been changed or added will be a different color than the original features on that layer.
3.   Miscellaneous lines and text will be placed on unique layers different from ones used by the GIS.
Example: Added sanitary manholes will be submitted on the layer SANITARY. Existing manholes are also on that layer in the color magenta. The new manholes will be any other color but magenta. It does not matter if an entity on another layer is also the existing or new color because entities are translated with layer first, then color.
D.   Attribute information will be submitted in a text file or spreadsheet. For example, when a CAD file is submitted that contains design of a sanitary sewer, the length, material and diameter of each sewer line segment will be submitted in a text file or spreadsheet along with the attribute information on the drawings.
Each record in the file will be assigned a unique ID, which will correspond to text labels in the CAD file showing the referenced feature. The Town will provide unique numbers for structures and segments. Developers also have the option of creating their own numbering system as long as they correspond with the entire design file. The unique numbering system for each segment and structure will be listed in the first column, with the corresponding attributes for each feature provided in the corresponding rows. The Town will then be able to sort and import the data into the GIS and assign the appropriate segments and structures imported from the DXF file. Required attributes for features are shown in Appendix 1-A.