(A)   When it shall appear to any police officer of the town, while acting as an officer, that any provision of Chapter 42 has been violated by the owner or operator of any vehicle or motor vehicle, the officer shall immediately notify the owner or operator in writing of the violation.
   (B)   The notice shall be made in duplicate upon a standard form provided for this purpose by the town and shall show the specific violation charged against the owner or operator, the date the violation was committed, the state license number of the vehicle and, if possible, the name and address of the owner or operator. All notices shall be signed by the police officer by whom it is issued.
   (C)   One copy of the notice shall be presented to the owner or the operator of the vehicle if the owner or operator is present at the time the violation has come to the attention of the officer; but if the owner or operator is not present at the time, the officer shall post a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place upon the vehicle, and this notice shall be deemed sufficient and effective notice to the owner or operator of the violation or violations noted thereon. The other copy of the notice shall be filed with the Clerk of the Hancock County Court.
(1989 Code, § 40.21)