Certificate of Completion and Compliance
Address of premises on which land alteration was accomplished:                                                             
Inspection Date(s):                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                 Permit Number:                                 
Relative to plans prepared by:                                                             on                              20              
I hereby certify that:
   1.   I am familiar with drainage requirements applicable to such land alteration (as set forth in the Code of Hancock County); and
   2.   I have personally observed the land alteration accomplished pursuant to the above referenced drainage permit; and
   3.   To the best of my knowledge, information and belief such land alteration has been performed and completed in conformity with all such drainage requirements, except
Signature:                                                                                               Date:                          20             
Typed or Printed Name:                                                                     Phone: ( ) -   
                  Business Address:                                                          
            (circle one)
Indiana Registration No.