In order to produce an amount sufficient to meet the interest on the revenue bonds and other expenses payable prior to the completion of the works after the contract for construction of the sewer system has been let and actual work commenced thereunder, the owners of each and every lot, parcel of real estate or building to be connected with the town's sanitary sewage system, as a result of construction of the works, shall pay each month 55% of the rates and charges established above for each month after the sanitary sewers are available for connection and use to any lot, parcel of real estate or building, the full rates and charges shall become effective for such lot, parcel of real estate or building; but in any event, the full rates and charges shall become effective no later than 12 months following the closing of the sale of the revenue bonds.
(1989 Code, § 31.07) (Ord. SR-83, passed 10-11-1983)