1101.12 FEES.
   (a)   Fees Required.
      (1)   Preliminary plat. Major Preliminary Plat (includes new street on which lots are to be platted).
         Fifteen dollars ($15.00) upon submittal.
      (2)   Minor Preliminary Plat (not including new street on which lots are to be platted).
      (3)   Final plat and replat.
            Fifteen dollars ($15.00) minimum, additional lots exceeding ten lots, one dollar ($1.00) each.
      (4)   Correction plat.
            Three dollars ($3.00)
            No fee will be required if it is determined by the Planning Director that the correction is due to the oversight of a Commission staff person.
      (5)   Transfer without plat.
            Five dollars ($5.00) per transfer.
      (6)   A.   Any fee must be paid upon submittal.
         B.   No fee will be returned, once a receipt has been issued.
         C.   Any plat that has been disapproved by the Commission, or withdrawn, may be modified, and may be re-submitted within one year from the original date of submission without additional charge, provided the area included is essentially, the same as the original.
The Planning Director shall decide whether or not a re-submittal fee is required, if such a situation arises.
   (b)   Fee Exemptions.
      (1)   Public land plats submitted by any department of any political subdivision in Mahoning County.
      (2)   Plats submitted by the Board of Education.
      (3)   Plats of property dedicating land to Mahoning County or to any political subdivision located in such county, where no other subdivision of land is shown.
         (Ord. 88-1. Passed 6-23-88.)