(a) Water and Sewer Rates.
Water Base Charge: $20.11 per month for the first 1,000 gallons
Water Volume Charge: $7.65 per 1,000 gallons after base rate
Sewer Base Charge: $34.67 per month for the first 1,000 gallons
Sewer Volume Charge: $7.03 per 1,000 gallons after base rate
For water and sewer services outside the City Corporation limits, a sum of 55% of the combined water and sewer bill shall be added to the above rates.
Beginning June 1st 2010 and continuing each year thereafter, there will be a 3.0% increase applied to the water and sewer rate. The annual rate increase applies to the Water and Sewer Base Charge and the Water and Sewer Volume Charge. (Ord. 21-12. Passed 10-4-21.)
(b) The rates for water taps shall be as follows:
3/4 inch $1200.00
Taps larger than 3/4 inch Actual costs incurred
Water and Sewer Taps must be made within one (1) year of purchase. Customers may request a refund for taps not made within the specified time frame provided those customers have proof of purchase. All purchases will require approval of the City Administrator or Water Department Personal.
All water and sewer taps that need the following will have actual costs incurred on; Road Cuts, Road Borings, Fittings, Piping, Labor, Concrete Overlay, Asphalt Replacement, Meter, Meter Setters, Meter Pit/Vaults, Equipment, etc. Billing will be made monthly or if it has been arranged with the City .
In order to purchase a water and sewer tap from the City of New Lexington you must first obtain a billing address from the U.S. Post Office (local) and only one water and sewer tap will be given per household.
(c) The rates for sewer taps and inspection fees shall be as follows:
$1200.00 per tap for up to five (5) hours of inspection time.
$75.00 per hour for inspection time above five (5) hours.
Multi-family dwelling (duplex, trailer park, apartment, condominium): $1200.00 for the first unit; $300.00 for each additional unit
All sewer taps shall be performed by a qualified plumbing contractor at the expense of the property owner. All taps must be inspected and approved by an authorized employee of the City Sewer Department prior to backfilling.
We hereby establish a permit fee of one hundred ($100.00) dollars to be submitted with the application for a Wastewater Discharge Permit, required for all nonresidential users, at least sixty (60) days prior to connecting to or contributing to the Authority's sewage disposal system.
(Ord. 09-04. Passed 3-23-09.)