All permits for water supply may be canceled at the option of the city and service discontinued for the following reasons:
   (A)   The wasting or improper use of water through the use of defective or imperfect fixtures or in any other manner;
   (B)   For refusal or neglect to pay bills promptly, or any other charges accruing, in the manner and at the time herein provided;
   (C)   For interference or tampering with the water meterbox, meterseals or any service or appliances of the waterworks system used for controlling or regulating the supply of water;
   (D)   For failure to apply for a permit in case of change of ownership or tenancy; and
   (E)   For defrauding the Waterworks Department in any other manner.
(Prior Code, § 50.22) (Ord. 688, passed 8-23-1961)