(A)   The Board of Public Works and Safety is designated as the purchasing agency for the city with all the powers and duties authorized under I.C. § 5-22-8-1 through § 5-22-8-3, as amended.
   (B)   For individual purchases of services or supplies not exceeding $5,000 in cost, the Board of Works may, but shall not be obligated to, authorize a city department head to complete the purchase on the open market without obtaining quotes or bids.
   (C)   For all other small purchases of services or supplies, as defined by I.C. 5-22-8-1 as amended, Board of Works’ approval shall be required after the procedure of I.C. 5-22 and following has been followed.
   (D)   Supplies manufactured in the United States shall be specified for all purchases and shall be purchased unless the city determines that:
      (1)   The supplies are not manufactured in the United States in reasonably available quantities;
      (2)   The price of the supplies manufactured in the United States exceeds by an unreasonable amount the price of available and comparable supplies manufactured elsewhere;
      (3)   The quality of supplies manufactured in the United States is substantially less than the quality of comparably priced available supplies manufactured elsewhere; or
      (4)   The purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States is not in the public interest.
(Prior Code, § 33.27) (Ord. G-98-10, passed 9-8-1998; Ord. G-07-12, passed 11-27-2007)