A.   Resource Surveys And Inventories: From time to time, as approved by the city administrator, the city, either unilaterally or in cooperation with the agencies of the U.S. government, agencies of the state of Oklahoma, private vendors, or colleges and universities, may perform scientific studies, research, and surveys and inventories of the well being, supply, and composition of the living and nonliving wildlife resources, and geologic features of the city reservoir fish and wildlife management and public use area. (1997 Code § 11-216)
   B.   Public Use Surveys: From time to time, as approved by the city administrator, the city, either unilaterally or in cooperation with agencies of the federal government, agencies of the state of Oklahoma, private vendors, or colleges and universities, may perform scientific studies, research, and surveys and inventories of the public use of the various natural and manmade components of the city reservoir fish and wildlife management and public use area. (1997 Code § 11-217)