Rule 24. Introduction of Ordinances and Resolutions
All ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced upon written or verbal recommendation of a committee of Council.
Normally, a proposed ordinance should be considered by the appropriate committee/s prior to Council introduction.
All ordinances and resolutions shall be read by title only, providing all Members of Council have copies of all legislation presented, and unless a motion to read it in full receives a majority vote. (ORC 731. 17)
Rule 25. Ordinance Preparation
All proposed general legislation shall be approved as to legal form by the Solicitor and be submitted to the Village Administrator by noon on Thursday preceding the regular meeting of Village Council when such legislation is to be considered.
The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be "Be it Ordained by the Council of the Village of New Concord, State of Ohio." All ordinances shall be in typewritten form before introduction.
Rule 26. Appropriation Ordinances
No money shall be appropriated except by ordinance. All ordinances for fixing a tax rate, theappropriation of money, the issuance of bonds, the transfer of money to any fund, or the payment of a claim and all resolutions or ordinances whereby the Village shall become liable for the payment of any money, shall be reviewed by the Finance Committee for consideration and report. The annual Appropriation ordinance shall be introduced to Council the fourth Monday in March.
Rule 27. Three Readings
No ordinance or resolution shall be passed until it has been read during three (3) separate meetings of Council, unless such reading has been dispensed with by a three-fourths vote of all Members of Council thereby creating an emergency ordinance. (ORC 731.17)
Rule 28. Emergency Ordinances
If an ordinance requires immediate action necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the village, and as such shall be in force immediately upon its passage, Council can move to suspend the rules that call for three readings and declare an emergency. If the emergency declaration and the ordinance each receive a two-thirds vote of Council Members, the ordinance shall then be in force immediately upon its passage. (ORC 731.30)
Rule 29. Amendments Before Passage
If an ordinance under consideration is amended after its second or third reading, it shall be considered read for the first time and be read again as a second reading at the next session of Council for further and/or final action. (ORC 731.19)
Rule 30. Passage Or Adoption
All ordinances, resolutions and all Council rules shall require for their passage, or adoption, the votes of a majority of all Council Members, unless a greater number be required by law, or the Rules of Council, and the vote on their passage or adoption shall be taken by "Yeses" and "Nos" and recorded in the Journal.