Rule 9. Standing Committees
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Rule 9 was repealed by Ordinance 2022-54, passed January 10, 2022.)
The standing committees are:
   •    Finance Committee: The Finance Committee oversees all Village finances and related legislation including the annual budget, expenses, debt, current and future contracts and short and long-term financial planning.
      o    Composition: The Finance Committee shall be comprised of three (3) members of Council. One of the appointed members of Council shall serve as Chairperson. The Fiscal Officer, Village Administrator and Mayor shall act as ex-officio members of the Finance Committee.
   •    Infrastructure Committee: All matters pertaining to streets, water, sewer, sidewalks, street trees, village buildings, property and equipment (except fire & police facilities & equipment).
      o    Composition: The Infrastructure Committee shall be comprised of three (3) members of Council. One of the appointed members of Council shall serve as Chairperson. The Village Administrator and Mayor shall act as ex-officio members of the Finance Committee.
   •    Safety Committee: Oversees all matters and legislation relating to the Village's provision of police, fire and emergency services; it also oversees matters and legislation relating to traffic, streetlights, parking and other issues such as safety education that affect the health and safety of persons and property within the Village.
      o    Composition: The Safety Committee shall be comprised of three (3) members of Council. One of the appointed members of Council shall serve as Chairperson. The Village Administrator and Mayor shall act as ex-officio members of the Safety Committee.
   •    Policy Committee: All matters pertaining to personnel, zoning, development, annexation, taxes, public events, council policies, special requests, recreation, and the swimming pool.
   o    Composition: The Policy Committee shall be comprised of three (3) members of Council. One of the appointed members of Council shall serve as Chairperson. The Village Administrator and Mayor shall act as ex-officio members of the Policy Committee.
Rule 10. Committee Meetings
Committees shall meet at a regular day and time each month or more often as needed, and the schedule may change as needed. No meeting shall be held unless there are agenda items. Any Member of the committee can place an item on the agenda. A special meeting can be called by the chair and/or the Mayor.
No committee meeting shall immediately precede a regular session of Council without prior approval of the committee chair.
Members of Council who are not Members of that committee shall receive the agenda and notice of all committee meetings, and are entitled to attend. Non-committee member's comments should be limited to allow the appointed committee members to conduct proper business. Only serving committee members shall be permitted to vote on agenda items.
Each committee chair, or designee, is required to take written minutes of each meeting which will be shared for comment with all attendees and the Village Administrator within 48 hours of the meeting. The final document will be filed and used for verbal reporting by the chair at the next regular Council meeting.
Notice of special, cancelled or re-scheduled meetings, including agenda, time and place, must be given to the Clerk or Designee at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting, and posted on the Village website and sent via email to all "New Concord Connects" subscribers at least 48 hours in advance.
Except in case of obvious inconsistency or inapplicability, committee meetings shall be governed by the rules applicable to Council proceedings.
Rule 11. Special Committees
Special committees shall be formed whenever deemed appropriate by the Mayor or President of Council to address matters that may require more attention than is available in the ordinary course of Council or committee business. Any written request for a special meeting shall state the subject or subjects to be considered at the special meeting and no other subject or subjects shall be considered.
If such matter is already referred to or pending before a standing committee, consent of those Members shall be required before referral to a special committee. If there is a question about referring a matter to a standing or special committee, the standing committee shall be first.
Special committees shall be given direction by the Council when created and are required to create and present a written report to Council, just as in the case of any other committee report. The committee will be deemed discharged once Council has received the final report.