Rule 1. Public Meetings
All official meetings of the Village Council and its committees are open to the public in accordance with all applicable provisions of Ohio's Open Meetings Act, Public Records Laws and all similar acts, commonly known as "Ohio's Sunshine Laws". This does not prohibit the Council from meeting in executive session as necessary to discuss items permitted by law. All action and decisions by the Council shall be taken in open session. (ORC 121.22)
Rule 2. Regular Meetings
The regular meetings shall be held in the Council's chamber, 2 West Main Street, New Concord, Ohio, on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. No Member of the Council shall be required to remain in the Council chamber longer than one-half hour after the regular time for calling the meeting if the meeting has not been called to order. Should the regular meeting fall on a legal holiday it shall be held on the following Monday at 6:30 PM, unless otherwise ordered by Council.
Rule 3. Organizational Meeting
The first Council meeting of the year in January shall be considered the organizational meeting. During this meeting;
The Council shall immediately proceed to elect a President pro tempore from its own number, who shall serve until the first meeting in January next after his election. (ORC 731.10) In the case of a tie vote, the Mayor shall cast the deciding vote.
The Mayor, in consultation with President of Council, shall announce standing committee appointments and committee chairs.
The Mayor and Council shall establish the times and dates of the Council meetings for the year .
The Committee Chairs, in consultation with committee members, shall announce the times and dates of each committee meeting for the year.
Council shall adopt by motion the Rules of Council for the year .
Rule 4. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Mayor or by the Clerk of Council and/or Designee upon written recommendation by three (3) Members of the Council or by a majority vote by the Members of Council at a regular or special meeting of the Council. The fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 PM will be reserved for special meetings, unless otherwise ordered by Council.
Rule 5. Public Notice of All Meetings
Notice of all regular, special and committee meetings, or any cancellation or alternative location, will be posted by the Clerk or Designee at least twenty-four hours preceding the meeting on the Village of New Concord website ( and sent via email to all "New Concord Connects" subscribers. Notification shall be sent to any media desiring such information. Notices for all regular and special meetings shall include the time and place. Special meeting notices shall also include the purpose of the meeting.
Rule 6. Presiding Officer
The Mayor is the president of the legislative authority and presides at all regular and special meetings thereof, but shall have no vote except in case of a tie. (ORC 733.24)
In the absence of the Mayor the President of Council shall preside over the meetings of the Council.
In the absence of the Mayor and the President of Council, the Clerk or Designee shall call the Council to order and Council, by majority vote, shall elect a temporary chair.
Rule 7. Required Attendance
In addition to all elected officials, the Village Administrator, Solicitor, Fiscal Officer, Fire Chief and Police Chief shall be required to attend the regular meetings of the Council, unless otherwise ordered by The Mayor, and shall be provided seats on the floor of the Council.
Rule 8. Agendas, Minutes and Records
The Clerk, or the Designee, shall prepare the agenda for all regular or special meetings of Council from items submitted by the President and Members of Council, the Mayor and the Village Administrator. The Council packet, with agenda, shall be distributed via email to all Council Members by 5:00 PM on the Friday before a Monday meeting or at least twenty-four hours before any other meeting, except in the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action; and shall be posted on the Village website at the same time.
Minutes of the meetings will be kept by the Clerk or Designee, and shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and Clerk of the meeting. Proposed minutes of a regular or special meeting will be available to the public within one week after such meeting. A copy of these minutes shall be distributed to each Member of Council and the Mayor for their review prior to the next meeting. Approved minutes will be available to the public no later than three business days after the meeting at which the minutes were approved. All such public documents will be posted on the Village website.
Minutes for executive sessions shall only reflect the general subject matter of discussion.
(ORC 121.22)
The Clerk or the Designee shall keep proper permanent records of all documents which are part of the transactions of the Council, and all orders of the Council.