A traffic impact study may be required by ODOT on State Routes. If a traffic impact study is not required by ODOT, the Village of New Concord may require a Traffic Impact Study in accordance with the following:
   (a)   A Traffic Impact Study may be required when proposed development would be expected to generate more than one hundred (100) directional trips during the peak hour of generation or five hundred (500) trips in an average day.
   (b)   Traffic Impact Study may be required for new phases or changes to an existing development where a traffic study is more than two (2) years old and roadway conditions have changed significantly (volumes increasing more than two percent (2%) annually).
   (c)   Traffic Impact Study may be required for a change or expansion at an existing site where the change or expansion is expected to increase traffic by at least one hundred (100) directional trips in a peak hour or result in at least five hundred (500) additional vehicle trips per day for the entire project.
      (Ord. K-5-94-2. Passed 5-9-94.)