(a)   The developer, with consent of the Village Administrator or designee, shall utilize one of the following types of pavement for his subdivision:  
      (1)   Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with integral concrete curb,
      (2)    Asphaltic Concrete Pavement with concrete curbs,
      (3)    Asphaltic Concrete Pavement with concrete curb and gutter, and
      (4)    Composite Pavement consisting of an asphaltic concrete surface on a Portland Cement Concrete base with integral concrete curb.
   (b)   Soils testing will be required at the developer's expense to determine or verify the pavement design information being supplied.
   (c)   The pavement thickness design, composition, materials and typical section shall be based on, and determined by, a careful analysis of traffic data, a detailed soils investigation and a study of the strength of materials. The supporting pavement design data and soil tests shall be submitted to the Village Engineer along with the detailed plans for his review and approval.
   (d)   The absolute minimum allowable design of Portland cement concrete pavement with integral concrete curbs shall be a minimum of seven inches (7") in depth and will include longitudinal joint tie bars.
   (e)   The absolute minimum allowable design of flexible pavement shall be three inches of Asphaltic Concrete over 10 inches of aggregate base minimum, or equivalent structural thickness, and no less than as specified in the "Construction and Material Specifications" of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation.
   (f)   All pavements and appurtenant items shall be constructed in accordance with the current "Construction and Material Specifications" of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation. (Ord. 2019-4. Passed 10-14-19.)