(a)   No owner, tenant or person in possession or control of private property shall permit or allow any tree to continue to exist which, because of age, disease, or for any other reason, has become dangerous to the residents of the Village. The Tree Committee is hereby authorized to make inspections in order to ascertain whether or not any dangerous tree contemplated by this section exists on any private property. For the purpose of making inspections under the provisions of this section, the Tree Committee or their designated agent shall, at all reasonable hours, have the right to enter into and upon any private property located within the Village.
   (b)   No owner, tenant or other person shall prevent, obstruct or interfere with the Tree Committee or their designated agent in making any inspection under this section. In the event that the Tree Committee or their agent, upon making any inspection required by this section, finds any tree located on private property which he considers to be dangerous under the provisions of this section, it shall be his duty to condemn such tree and order the owner, tenant or person in possession or control such property, in writing, to remove such tree with the time specified in the order. Notice of such order may be served by registered letter addressed to the owner or tenant of such premises by mailing the same to the last know place of residence of such owner or tenant. No person shall fail to comply with such order within the time prescribed therefore.
(Ord. G-19-81-1. Passed 10-12-81.)