(a)   Any party who had a sign permit denied by the Village Council may seek a variance of the provision(s) of this chapter by filing an appeal application to the Village Fiscal Officer. Such a variance request must be applied for and filed within thirty days of the denial.
   (b)   At a Building and Grounds Committee meeting, any appeal application(s) filed within the required thirty days will be reviewed. The Building and Grounds Committee may request a variance from the provisions of this chapter upon a finding of all of the following:
      (1)   The particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the property would render compliance with the provisions of this chapter difficult and likely result in a particular hardship on the owner, as distinguished from inconvenience of the chapter requirements or a desire to increase financial gain or avoid the financial expense of compliance.
      (2)   The type of sign structure and the location proposed would not pose a significant risk to the public health, safety and welfare.
      (3)   The benefit of the sign to the general public and/or applicant under the circumstances outweighs any risk to traffic safety and the Village desire to eliminate the accumulation of visual clutter in accordance with stated purpose of this chapter.
      (4)   A variance would be in the interest of the of the Village and not against the spirit and intent of the chapter.
   (c)   In issuing a variance from the strict letter of the provisions of this chapter, the Building and Grounds Committee presents their findings to the Village Council. The Village Council may grant a variance of any sign requirement or place reasonable conditions or restrictions upon issuance of a permit.
(Ord. 09-2020. Passed 6-15-20)