The following signs are exempt from the permit requirements, but must comply with the regulations established herein.
   (a)   Governmental and Utility Signs. Informational signs or displays maintained by a government body or public utility, including traffic or parking regulatory devices, legal notices, warning of hazards, and similar displays.
   (b)   Government Mandated Signs. 
      (1)   Street address numerals, public hearing signs and other signs or exterior displays required to be maintained by government order or regulations, provided that the content and size thereof does not exceed that required by such order or regulation.
      (2)   Mail boxes and neighborhood delivery cluster box units may only display names, addresses, and user information. Such mail structures may not be used for advertising any commercial, sales, home occupation activity, or garage sales and the like.
   (c)   Legal notices, identification, informational, directional, traffic, or other sign erected or required by governmental authority under any law, statute or ordinance.
   (d)   “No Trespassing”, “Beware of Dog”, “No Dumping” and other similar warning signs not larger than two square feet in area, provided that no more than one such sign shall be permitted in each yard abutting a street.
   (e)   Garage and Yard Sale Signs. Signs shall not be more than six square feet in area, provided that no more than one such sign shall be permitted in each yard abutting a street; signs shall be freestanding signs and setback not less than ten feet from any lot line and shall not exceed six feet in height and shall not be illuminated. Signs may not be erected or maintained more than three days prior to the beginning of the sale and shall be removed within five days after the conclusion of the sale.
   (f)   Political and Election Campaign Signs. The following rules shall apply to signs identifying a political candidate, party or issue subject to an upcoming election:
      (1)   Signs shall not be attached to fences, trees, utility poles or light poles, similar structures or placed within the public right-of-way.
      (2)   Signs shall not exceed sixteen square feet in area per face.
      (3)   Sign shall not exceed six feet in height.
      (4)   Signs shall not be posted or attached to any parked or stationary semitrailer or similar type trailer.
      (5)   Signs can be erected no more than forty-five days before an upcoming election and must be removed within five days following the date of the election to which it pertains.
   (g)   Roadway Directional or Informational Signs. Signs erected within the Village’s right-of-way shall be installed in accordance with the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devises (ILMUTCD). In addition, the person or entity seeking to erect such sign shall provide the Village with a liability waiver.
   (h)   Signs or banners giving notice of noncommercial events and activities are permitted provided that such signs may not be erected or maintained more than fourteen days prior to the date of which the event or activity advertised is to occur or be conducted and shall be removed within five days after the termination thereof.
   (i)   Temporary Directional Signage.
      (1)   Signs shall provide directional messages for commercial or noncommercial events or activities at a specified address within the Village limits.
      (2)   Signs shall be permitted within the Village’s public right-of-way only.
      (3)   Signs shall not exceed four square feet in surface area per face and three feet in overall height. A sign shall be limited to a maximum of two sign faces.
      (4)   Signs shall be free standing, not attached to any utility pole or structure or any traffic control sign and be setback a minimum of five feet from the curb or edge of pavement.
      (5)   If a sign is removed by a Village official it will be retained for a period of five days and then destroyed. The owner of such signs may claim them at the Village Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
   (j)   Permanent Directional Signage.
      (1)   Signs shall provide directional messages for buildings or other permanent structures.
      (2)   Signs shall not exceed four square feet in surface area per face and three feet in overall height. A sign shall be limited to a maximum of two sign faces.
      (3)   Signs shall be free standing, not attached to any utility pole or structure or any traffic control sign and be setback a minimum of five feet from the curb or edge of pavement.
         (Ord. 09-2020. Passed 6-15-20)