(a)   Obstructions. No sign may block any required access way, window, fire escape, door, or other entrance or exit way, nor any window surface required for ventilation by the Village Code.
   (b)   Public Right-of-Way. No sign or associated lighting fixture shall be erected or displayed within the public right-of-way except for traffic control and traffic information signs, and signs as otherwise provided herein.
   (c)   Metal Signs. No metal sign shall be located within a vertical distance of eight feet, or a horizontal distance of four feet of electrical wires or conductors, even if such wires or conductors are insulated or otherwise protected.
   (d)   Setback Requirements. Except as otherwise provided, freestanding signs shall be located no less than ten feet from any driveway or lot line, as measured from the portion of the sign closest to the driveway or lot line. On a corner lot, the sign shall not be placed within any portion of the thirty foot sight triangle at the intersection of two streets and/or public access points (such as driveways).
   (e)   Projection. No sign shall project beyond the property line into the public right-of-way, except as otherwise provided herein.
   (f)   Off-Premise Signage. Off-premise signage is not permitted within the Village. All signs constructed within the Village shall be located on the property in which the construction, business and/or use is taking place.
   (g)   Illumination. Sign illumination shall be constant in intensity and color. The light for any illuminated sign shall be shaded, shielded, or directed so as not to cause glare in surrounding properties or in public streets. No direct or reflected light from a light source for an illuminated sign shall create a traffic hazard for operation of motor vehicles. Illuminated signs shall be wired and ground fault interrupters (GFIs) controlling their electrical supply.
   (h)   Changes to Signs. A sign permit shall not be required for painting, cleaning, repair, or maintenance of an otherwise permitted sign existing on the property.
   (i)   Change Ownership, Tenant or Advertiser. Any sign that has a change of ownership tenant or advertiser shall cause all signs on that lot to secure new sign permits.
   (j)   Sign Maintenance, Repair and Safety.
      (1)   The appearance and safety of a sign shall be maintained at all times. The sign shall be repaired and repainted as necessary to prevent rust, corrosion, rotting, or other deterioration in appearance or structural safety of the sign.
      (2)   The source of illumination shall be kept in safe working order at all times.
      (3)   All letters, figures, characters, and sign embellishments on a sign and its support shall be safely and securely attached to the sign at all times.
   (k)   Non-Conforming Signs. All signs lawfully existing, or holding sign permits issued prior to the date of adoption of this chapter, but which are not in conformance with these regulations, may be continued as non-conformities.
   (l)   Removal of Unsafe, Abandoned or Unlawful Signs.
      (1)   Any sign, other than an outdoor advertising sign, that no longer identifies a business, activity, event, or service, conducted, or product, service or entertainment sold on the premises where the sign is located shall be considered abandoned and shall be removed. If upon inspection the designated representative finds that a sign is abandoned, unsafe, or in any way not in compliance with Village ordinances, he or she shall issue a written order to the permittee or owner stating the nature of the violation and requiring the repair, replacement, or removal of the sign within ten working days from the date of the order.
      (2)   If after ten working days of issuance of an order has not been complied with, or if a sign constitutes an immediate hazard to the public safety, the designated representative may recommend to the Village Council to authorize judicial process to cause the sign to be removed or repaired.
      (3)   After removal of a sign through judicial process, the designated representative shall send a notice to the property owner stating the nature of the removal work performed and demanding payment of the cost thereof plus ten percent for inspection and administrative costs. If said amount is not paid within thirty days of the notice, it shall become a lien against the property owner upon which the sign was located.
(Ord. 09-2020. Passed 6-15-20)