For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   (a)   “Abandoned sign.” Any sign or part of a sign on a building or on the ground (freestanding) that remains after the business identified on the sign no longer occupies the tenant space, building or property.
   (b)   “Advertising sign.” A sign which directs attention to a business or profession conducted or to a commodity or service sold, offered, or manufactured or an entertainment offered on the premises where the sign is located or to which it is affixed.
   (c)   “Amenity sign.” A temporary sign constructed for a developing residential subdivision or complex identifying the amenities to be offered within the subdivision or complex. An amenity sign shall not be considered as a marketing sign.
   (d)    “Animated or moving sign.” Any sign or part of a sign that changes physical position or light intensity by any movement or rotation or that gives the visual impression of such movement or rotation.
   (e)   “Attention getting device.” Any pennant, flag, valance, banner, propeller, spinner, streamer, searchlight, balloon and similar device or ornamentation designed for purposes of attracting attention, promotion or advertising.
   (f)   “Awning.” An overhanging roof like structure stretched over a frame to provide shelter or shade. It may be constructed of canvas or other materials, permanent or collapsible, but by definition does not include any lettering, signage or advertising information.
   (g)   “Awning sign.” A sign attached to or incorporated in any awning.
   (h)   “Banner.” A temporary sign composed of flexible material either enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame.
   (i)   “Billboard.” A sign or graphic structure which advertises products or services not sold or distributed on the premises on which the sign or graphic is located.
   (j)   “Business sign.” A sign that directs attention to a business or profession conducted, or to a commodity or service sold, offered, or manufactured, or to an entertainment offered on the premises where the sign is located.
   (k)   “Construction sign.” A temporary sign erected on the premises on which construction is taking place, during the period of such construction, indicating the names of the architects, engineers, landscape architects, contractors, or similar artisans, and the owners, financial supporters, sponsors, and similar individuals or firms having a role or interest with respect to the structure or project.
   (l)   “Contractors sign (in residential areas).” A temporary sign erected on a residential property indicating the name of a contractor, or contracting company performing repair work, maintenance work or construction on the property.
   (m)   “Directional sign.” Signs limited to directional messages, principally for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, establishment but does not identify the establishment itself or other goods or services available at the and does not contain other advertising messages.
   (n)   “Directory sign.” A sign listing the names, and location of various activities conducted within a building or group of buildings.
   (o)   “Flashing sign.” Any directly or indirectly illuminated sign that exhibits changing natural or artificial light or color effects by any means whatsoever.
   (p)   “Garage/yard sale directional sign.” A temporary sign directing the public to a specific location in which the sale of personal property is being conducted.
   (q)   “Grand opening sign.” A temporary sign or a portable sign used for the purpose of advertising a grand opening of a new business. A grand opening sign may be a wall, marquee, canopy, awning, or freestanding sign.
   (r)   “Ground sign.” A monument sign erected on a supporting structure, not attached in any way to a building.
   (s)   “Historic sign.” A sign designated by the Historic Preservation Commission or a local authority as having historical or architectural significance in the history of Newcomerstown,
   (t)   “Illuminated sign.” A sign which has characters, letters, figures, or outlines illuminated by electric lights, luminous tubes, or any other means of illumination.
   (u)   “Marketing sign.” A temporary sign constructed for a developing residential subdivision or complex identifying the name of development and prices of the homes being sold or rents of the units being rented. A marketing sign shall not be considered as an amenity sign.
   (v)   “Non-conforming sign.” Any sign lawfully existing on the effective date of an ordinance, or amendment thereto, that renders such sign nonconforming because it does not conform to all the standards and regulations of the adopted or amended ordinance.
   (w)   “Off-premise sign.” A sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located.
   (x)   “Overhanging sign.” Any sign, awning sign, canopy sign or marquee sign, whether or not attached to a building that overhangs any public sidewalk, public street, public alley, or other public way.
   (y)   “Painted wall sign.” The definition of wall sign includes “painted” signs.
   (z)   “Political sign.” A temporary sign announcing or supporting political candidates or issues in connection with any national, state or local election.
   (aa)   “Portable sign.” A sign that is designed to be moved from place to place, not permanently or temporarily attached to ground or building and often contains changeable copy.
   (bb)   “Real estate sign, small.” A sign, having a maximum size of six square feet in area, pertaining to the sale or lease of the property, or a portion of the property, on which the sign is located.
   (cc)   “Real estate sign, large.” A sign, having a size of greater than six square feet in area but in accordance with the maximum size and height provisions as specified in the respective zoning districts, pertaining to the sale or lease of the property, or a portion of the property, on which the sign is located.
   (dd)   “Roof sign.” A sign attached to and extending above the roof parapet or eaves of a building.
   (ee)   “Sandwich board sign.” A sign with no more than two sides, informing the general public of an event or particular item or items that is/are offered a specific and proximate commercial enterprise. A sandwich board sign shall not be permanently anchored to the ground.
   (ff)   “Temporary sign.” A sign or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, plywood or other light material and designed or intended to be displayed for a short period of time.
   (gg)   “Tenant identification sign.” A sign giving the name of a tenant on a lot on which two or more tenants or businesses are located. Said sign shall only indicate the name of the tenant or business establishment or a logo or symbolic representation of the type of business. Tenant identification signs shall be uniform in size and be designed for maximum legibility.
   (hh)   “Vehicle sign.” A sign or advertisement posted on a vehicle, either permanently or temporarily.
   (ii)   “Wall sign.” A sign fastened to or painted on the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of, the sign.
      (Ord. 09-2020. Passed 6-15-20)