(a)   Accumulation of rubbish. It is unlawful for any owner, occupant or manager of any property to cause or permit the accumulation of rubbish on such property.
   (b)   Storage of garbage and refuse. Any owner, occupant, person in control, or manager of any property shall keep garbage, rejected or waste food, and refuse in tightly closed containers and store garbage, rejected or waste food, and refuse in a manner that will prevent easy entry by animals and thereby avoid the dispersal of such garbage, rejected or waste food, and refuse by animals and prevent wind dispersal or any other means of dispersal.
   (c)   Removal of rubbish.
      (1)   Any owner, occupant, person in control, or manager of any property shall remove, or cause to be removed from property, all accumulated garbage, rejected or waste food, and refuse not less than once each week.
      (2)   Business establishments that deal in food or any other product that results in the accumulation of rubbish on the premises shall remove such rubbish, or cause it to be removed, from the premises not less than once per week, timed so that rubbish cannot accumulate on the premises for longer than seven days.
      (3)   Rubbish shall be disposed of only by depositing the same in or at an approved disposal site. The use of village trash receptacles on streets, in parks and at public buildings for disposal of rubbish is also prohibited. Law enforcement officials may open and inspect any such rubbish, for the purpose of identifying the owner or originator thereof.
   (d)   Transport of rubbish. Rubbish shall be transported upon the streets of this village only when in an enclosed vehicle, or when properly covered and contained in a manner that will effectively prevent litter, dispersal, dissemination of odor and the attraction of insects.
   (e)   Rubbish within curbstrip. Any accumulation of rubbish or containers routinely used to contain rubbish, on any premises, within a curbstrip, for a period exceeding twenty-four hours is prohibited, except for leaves during the village’s annual leaf pick up season.
   (f)   Rubbish on sidewalks. Any accumulation of rubbish or containers routinely used to contain rubbish, on any premises, on a public sidewalk, at any time, is prohibited.
   (g)   Rubbish containers. Rubbish containers, on any premises, shall be properly covered and contained in a manner that will effectively prevent litter, dispersal, dissemination of odor and/or the attraction of insects, rodents or other animals.
(Ord. 13-02. Passed 3-18-02.)