(a)   Sewer Contractor License Required. Only persons, firms, companies or corporations of proven ability, and approved by the Village, shall be permitted to construct building sewers and connections. Such persons, firms, companies or corporations shall obtain a yearly license therefore, and shall further obtain a permit for the construction of any building sewer, sewer connection or repair from the Village. Such license shall be approved and signed by the Mayor and shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which it was issued. This license may be revoked at any time by the Village for any violation of the regulations governing Sewer Contractors. The fee for the license shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00). The Sewer Contractor shall take out and maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance during the life of his obligation to the Village. The Contractor shall provide to the Village proof of compliance with the Worker's Compensation laws and the Social Security laws. Certificates of insurance policies shall be provided in the types and amounts acceptable to the Village.
   (b)   Sewer Contractor Bond. To be a licensed Sewer Contractor in the Village a minimum bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is required. The duration of such bond shall be no less than one year after all work has been completed. Such bond shall be firmly bound unto the Village and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Village from all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of the Sewer Contractor's failure to perform its duties, and all the undertakings involving work associated with the Village sewerage system.
   (c)   Permit Required. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenances thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Village. (See Appendix C, Application for Building Sewer Installation and Appendix D, Building Sewer Installation Information.)
   (d)   Noncompliance. If any Sewer Contractor shall neglect or refuse to comply with the rules and regulations set forth herein, within twenty-four hours after receiving written notice from the Village, the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs will proceed with the work and the cost involved will be charged to the Sewer Contractor or his Surety. In cases where it is necessary for the Village to proceed with the work, no further permits will be granted to the Sewer Contractor until he has satisfactorily complied with the orders of the Village or completely reimbursed the Village for any cost involved. The Sewer Contractor shall be required for a period of one year after the completion of the work, to make all necessary repairs.
   (e)   Construction Procedure. Any Sewer Contractor before laying pipe or making the connection to any wye, tee, riser or crossover shall uncover both appurtenances to same to ascertain their condition. No sewer pipe shall be laid before the Superintendent is on the job. The Sewer Contractor shall determine the slope of the building sewer from the elevations of the existing sewer connection and the connection at the building with the minimum slope being in accordance with Section 921.03. Should there not be enough fall available to provide minimum slope, the Superintendent shall be advised immediately. Sewer pipe laying shall start at the connection to the main sewer. The Sewer Contractor shall connect the sewer to the building drain which extends at least three feet beyond the outside wall of the building. At this point the sewer contractor shall install a joint adaptor, to adapt the building drain to the building sewer.
   (f)   Applicant to Notify When Work Ready for Inspection and Connection. The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Superintendent twenty-four hours before an inspection and connection to the public sewer is to be made. All notifications of this kind shall include the permit number and the location. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent or his representative. The Superintendent, or any person authorized by him, must be permitted at all times to inspect all work, material and fixtures.
   (g)   Barricades and Warning Lights; Restoration. All excavations for a building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, sewers and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Village. All excavations in roadway areas shall be backfilled with well compacted sand or gravel, tamped in place.
   (h)   Installation. The requirements for bedding, haunching, initial backfilling shall be in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Bedding. A minimum layer of six-inch bedding consisting of #67 granular or fill-sand bedding material shall be provided upon a stable undisturbed subgrade. If an unstable subgrade is encountered, the Board or its duly authorized representative shall determine the method of building the required subgrade support.
      (2)   Haunching. After the pipe has been placed on the approved bedding material, #67 granular material fill-sand shall be placed around the sides of the pipe from the undisturbed trench wall to the pipe. Under no circumstances shall the maximum allowable trench width for the type, size and depth or pipe be exceeded. Unless otherwise approved or ordered, the maximum allowable trench widths measured at the top of the pipe shall be twenty-seven-inches for six and eight-inch diameter pipe, thirty-inches for ten-inch diameter pipe and thirty-three inches for twelve-inch diameter pipe.
      (3)   Initial backfill. No backfill shall be placed until after inspection is completed by the Board or the duly authorized representative. After the haunching of the pipe has been completed, the pipe shall be covered by #67 granular material or fill-sand to a plane, six-inches above the top of the pipe.
      (4)   Backfill. Upon completion of the initial backfill, the best excavated material shall be used for backfilling the trench. Trash, boulders, frozen soil etc., shall not be used as backfill material. If the pipe is laid under a pavement or
berm area, the pipe shall be backfilled with approved granular material, a minimum of five-feet beyond the edge of the berm or edge of pavement in absence of a berm.
   (i)   Repairs. A building sewer permit shall be required for all repair work performed by the sewer contractor except cases where excavation is not necessary. In the case of stoppages, it shall be the responsibility of the sewer contractor to uncover the wye, tee or riser, if the property is on the same side as the main sewer. When property is on the opposite side, the end of the Village crossover shall be uncovered to determine where the trouble lies. If the stoppage is found to be either in the main line or in the Village crossover, the sewer contractor shall notify the Village immediately, whose responsibility it shall be to repair same. The cost of the permit will then be returned to the sewer contractor. If the stoppage is located anywhere else in the line, it shall be the responsibility of the owner to repair same at his own cost and expense.
   (j)   Abandoned Laterals. Sanitary sewers in buildings to be demolished shall be permanently sealed, in a manner acceptable to the Board, before demolition is started.
   (k)   Service Extension Outside the Municipality. The owners of the premises outside the Village who desire sewer service shall pay the cost of materials and labor for the extensions of such services outside the Village limits. Such cost shall be paid by the owners of parcels served and benefited. All sewer service extensions shall be subject to the applicable conditions set forth in this chapter. The owners of the premises outside the Village who desire sewer service shall comply with such regulations for such services and shall pay such rates and charges incidental to such services as may be established from time to time by the Village, and that meet the user charge system criteria as required by the Regional Administrator of U.S. EPA.
   (l)   Submission of Plans. Upon completion of construction, drawings shall be corrected by the sewer contractor to represent the recorded elevations, grades and sizes. One producible print shall be supplied to the Village.
(Ord. 6-80. Passed 5-19-80; Am. Ord. 5-99. Passed 3-23-99.)