Definitions: for the purpose of this section, “surface water” shall apply to water that travels via roadways, curbs, ditches, creeks, and streams.
(a) Water that runs from the street onto an undeveloped lot or property is considered as flowing naturally. If this lot or property is developed, it is the property owners responsibility to channel this water into an approved storm/rain water collection system.
(b) Before any channeling of storm/rain water is channeled, the responsible party will obtain a building permit from the Mayor's office and approval from the Street Department.
(c) During development of a lot or property, the property owner is responsible for:
(1) Keeping the roadways/streets free of construction materials or dirt.
(2) Keeping the storm/rain water collection system free of dirt and materials.
(Ord. 29-99. Passed 11-15-99.)