(a)   Village Council hereby prohibits, to the extent permitted by law, the possession, control or conveyance of firearms, deadly weapons, or dangerous ordnances onto or over all Village-owned premises in or upon which employees and/or members of the general public have occasion to enter.
   (b)   The Street Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and post conspicuous notices at the points of ingress to such premises clearly setting forth said prohibition. Such notices shall contain language as recommended by the Village Solicitor.
   (c)   The prohibition established herein shall not apply to employees of the Village and other municipal, state or federal employees or agents who, pursuant to their job duties, are required to carry firearms, deadly weapons or dangerous ordnances. The aforesaid exemption shall apply only when such individuals are performing the official duties of their respective offices or employment.
   (d)   Whoever violates division (a) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 11-04. Passed 4-19-04.)