(A)   No permit shall be required for the following temporary signs and display materials.
   (B)   All signs shall be securely attached to a structure or to stakes or posts that are firmly embedded in the ground. They are not to be illuminated.
      (1)   One real estate sign announcing the rent, lease, sale of residential property or sale of duplex or single-family house shall be permitted for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed 12 square feet of display surface area, shall not exceed 5 feet in height, shall not be illuminated or located on the roof of any building, and shall be removed within ten days after the property on which it is located has been rented, leased or sold.
      (2)   One sign containing information pertinent to the sale, lease or rental of commercial property which is zoned for commercial or industrial uses shall be permitted for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed 64 square feet in display surface area and 16 feet in height, shall not be illuminated, and shall be removed within ten days after rental, lease or sale of the property.
      (3)   A sign shall be permitted on property offered for commercial or industrial uses in the agricultural district. The sign shall have placed on it letters of at least eight inches in height which states “presently zoned agricultural”.
      (4)   A sign shall be permitted to advertise the development of a new subdivision whether it be residential, commercial or industrial or the structures therein so long as the sign is located on property within the subdivision, is separated by a minimum of 400 feet from another sign for the same subdivision, has a maximum display surface area of 300 square feet and a maximum height of 16 feet, and is located in conformity with all setback lines established by plat or city ordinance. The sign may have indirect illumination, provided the light source is not visible from any home in the area. The sign shall be removed or relocated within ten days following the renting, leasing or sale of a property within the subdivision which is located within 50 feet of the sign, exclusive of streets.
      (5)   Construction signs:
         (a)   On commercial buildings, apartments and similar large construction projects, one sign containing information pertinent to the project shall be permitted on each frontage for each contractor, development company or financing institution. The sign shall not exceed 80 square feet of display surface area, shall be illuminated only by indirect illumination, and shall be removed within ten days after construction has been completed.
         (b)   On single-family and duplex residential sites, one sign shall be permitted for each contractor and subcontractor. The sign shall not exceed 12 square feet of display surface area, shall not be illuminated and shall be removed within ten days after construction has been completed.
         (c)   In the case of special events, such as the annual or semi-annual parade of homes, the single sign may be placed on a property. The sign shall not exceed 32 square feet of display surface area and shall not remain on the property longer than 21 days.
      (6)   No banner shall be erected, constructed, placed, replaced or maintained on any building, lot or parcel, or any frontage along a dedicated street or right-of-way, except in conjunction with requirements for temporary signs, as defined in this chapter.
      (7)   No A-frame, sandwich or swinger sign shall be permitted.
      (8)   There shall be no restriction on decorations, as defined in this chapter.
(2002 Code, § 155.27) (Ord. 348, passed 4-8-1996)