(A)   General regulations.
      (1)   Every person owning, leasing, operating or in possession of any building or structure within the city shall permit the Building Inspector to enter the building or structure as often as it shall be deemed necessary by the Inspector for the purpose of discharging his or her duties prescribed by this section, and it shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or lessee of any premises to prevent or to refuse to permit the entry. The Inspector shall, upon request of the owner, occupant or lessee of the premises, exhibit authority to make the entry.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Building Inspector in the discharge of his or her duties.
      (3)   In cases of emergency, the permit shall be obtained within 72 hours from the time of the start of the installation, alteration or major replacement.
      (4)   The Building Inspector may revoke or suspend the registration of any person, persons or corporation convicted of any violation of this chapter, or for any of the following reasons:
      (5)   Willful fraud or misrepresentation practiced in procuring or renewing any registration or licenses;
         (a)   Dishonesty;
         (b)   Gross incompetency;
         (c)   Conduct of a character likely to or intended to deceive or defraud the public;
         (d)   The loaning of any license, registration or permit to any person or persons for any reason whatsoever;
         (e)   The obtaining of a fee or compensation by fraud or misrepresentation;
         (f)   The willful advertising or publishing or otherwise making known of any grossly false, fraudulent or misleading statements of his or her business skill, knowledge or methods of operation;
         (g)   The constructing, designing, installing, altering, servicing, repairing or maintaining of any refrigerating or air-conditioning equipment in a manner as to be detrimental to the safety, health or general welfare of the general public;
         (h)   For any misconduct in the use of his or her registration or transaction thereunder; or
         (i)   For violation or disregard of any regulations set up by the city.
      (6)   If, in the performance of any work under this chapter, the contractor or mechanic shall find that, on account of some mechanical construction of the building, location of fixtures or for some other reason, it would be impossible to abide by the letter of this chapter, he or she may apply to the Building Inspector for a variance, stating his or her reasons for any changes and setting forth the conditions, with a statement of his or her desires to exceptions to the provisions of this chapter for the particular job. If the Inspector finds that the conditions warrant the same and that it would be impractical and unreasonable to require strict conformance, he or she shall have the authority to make special rulings, for the safeguarding of life and property and the improvement of the proposed work. In all such cases, persons engaged in work or installation and holding registration under this chapter shall be notified in writing of the decision.
      (7)   This chapter shall not be construed to relieve from, or lessen the liability of, any person, firm or corporation for damages to anyone injured by any defect or any negligent doing or installation authorized herein, nor shall the city or any agent thereof be held liable therefor by reason of any inspection herein authorized and made by reason of the authority or by reason of the certificate of inspection and approval issued by the Building Inspector.
   (B)   Mechanical contractor.
      (1)   All persons designing, assembling, erecting, constructing, installing, altering, servicing, repairing or maintaining refrigeration, air conditioning, heating and/or ventilation systems must first register with the Planning and Community Development Department. All registrants must be state licensed.
      (2)   All applicants for a Newcastle mechanical license shall be licensed to do so under the Mechanical Licensing Act (59 O.S. §§ 1850.1 et seq.) as administered by the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board. No person shall do any work of said nature except a state-licensed and locally licensed contractor, as provided in this section.
      (3)   The City Council, by resolution, shall establish fees associated with first time and renewal registrants. The fees shall be paid at the Planning and Community Development Department and the registration shall not be valid unless it has attached to it or written on it, a receipt or statement showing that the required fee has been paid. Registration fees in a current year are for the period January 1 to December 31 of the year in which registration occurs. Any registration that is lapsed for longer than one month shall apply for a new registration in the same manner and under the same conditions as a new applicant.
      (4)   The registration fee shall be in accordance with Appendix A, Table 3 of this chapter.
      (5)   (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person to install or make repairs on any air conditioning, refrigeration, or heating system without registering and obtaining a permit and license in accord with the provisions of this chapter.
         (b)   It shall likewise be unlawful for any contractor to employ any person to do the work unless the employee is registered under the provisions of this code.
      (6)   (a)   No person, persons, firm or corporation shall install, alter or make major replacements, such as receivers, condensers, evaporators, coils, compressors, tubing, piping or any other pressure vessel and the like, as herein provided, until the person, persons, firm or corporation shall have obtained approval and a permit from the Building Inspector for work specifically intended on each individual system and/or application. In cases of emergency, the permit shall be obtained within 72 hours from the time of the start of the installation, alteration or major replacement.
         (b)   This section shall not, however, apply to installation, alteration, repair or maintenance work being done on or to existing equipment within confines of a plant or structure or other premises of private or corporate ownership where a full-time and duly licensed crew of refrigeration maintenance personnel is employed. This exception applies only to issuance of permits and/or inspections, where premises are inspected at reasonable intervals by other agencies whose primary interest is public safety, and shall not be construed to mean that any person, persons, firm or corporation shall be, for any reason whatsoever, relieved of the moral or legal responsibility for maintaining proper and safe standards in relation to any work due to or on any refrigerating and/or air-conditioning equipment.
      (7)   A permit shall not be required for installation, alteration or major replacement and use of self-contained unit systems containing not more than four pounds of group one refrigerants only in commercial occupancies. The unit systems comply with all other requirements of this code and the rules and regulations of the city.
      (8)   All persons designing, assembling, erecting, constructing, installing, altering, servicing, repairing or maintaining refrigeration and/or air- conditioning and/or heating and/or ventilating systems must first register with the Planning and Community Development Department. The Planning and Community Development Department shall issue applications to persons desiring the registration. This application shall be presented to the Building Inspector, who shall review it in a manner as he or she deems expedient and indicate in writing the result of the review.
         (a)   Upon presentation of the approved application to the Planning and Community Development Department, accompanied by the appropriate fee, and being satisfied that the chapter relating thereto are in all respects complied with, the Planning and Community Development Department shall accept the registration, for one year or part thereof, expiring one year from renewal date. Each applicant shall furnish the city a certificate of insurance as defined in Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter. This bond shall guarantee that all work performed and equipment installed shall be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
         (b)   The Planning and Community Development Department shall not accept any registration until the certificate of insurance is made, the application is approved and the fee paid. The Building Inspector shall indicate on the application, and the registration shall so reflect, as to whether the applicant does qualify as a refrigeration, air- conditioning or heating contractor or any combination thereof.
      (9)   The Building Inspector shall not approve any application for contractor’s registration until he or she is satisfied that the contractor has obtained public liability insurance that shall indemnify the city and public in the amount as defined in Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter.
(2002 Code, § 150.60) (Ord. 254, passed 12-15-1987)
   (C)   Plumbing contractor.
      (1)   Any person desiring to engage in the business or activity of plumbing or plumbing contracting in the city shall first obtain a plumbing license from the Planning and Community Development Department.
      (2)   The registration fee shall be in accordance with Appendix A, Table 4 of this chapter.
      (3)   The City Council, by resolution, shall establish fees associated with first time and renewal registrants. Said fees shall be paid at the Planning and Community Development Department and the registration shall not be valid unless it has attached to it or written on it, a receipt or statement showing that the required fee has been paid. Registration fees in a current year are for the period January 1 to December 31 of the year in which registration occurs. Any registration that is lapsed for longer than one month shall apply for a new registration in the same manner and under the same conditions as a new applicant.
      (4)   No person shall do any plumbing extensions, connection of fixtures or repairs or any plumbing work except a registered and state licensed plumber, as provided in this code of ordinances.
      (5)   All applicants for a city plumbing license shall be licensed to do so under the Plumbing License Law of 1955 (59 O.S. § 1000 et seq.) as administered by the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board. No person shall do any plumbing, gas fitting, extensions, connection of fixtures or repairs to any gas fitting, except a state-licensed and locally licensed contractor, except as provided in this section.
      (6)   All persons, firms, partnerships, corporations or individuals, who desire to do any plumbing work in or on any building or system in the city, shall furnish the city with a good surety bond as defined in Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter. This bond shall guarantee that the work shall be in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter, and further conditioned that the party shall, without further cost to the person for whom the work is done, remedy any defective or faulty work caused by poor workmanship or substandard or defective materials.
(2002 Code, § 150.58) (Ord. 294, passed 12-9-1991)
   (D)   Liquified petroleum gas state permits. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install or repair any system, container, apparatus or appliance to be used for the transportation, storage, dispensing or utilization of liquefied petroleum gas, or to transport, handle or store the gas, unless the person has complied and complies with, all provisions of the state law and local ordinances relating thereto, and has any permit which may be required by state law. No storage of liquefied petroleum gas, except by retail customers in reasonable amounts for their own use, shall be permitted within the corporate limits of the city.
(2002 Code, § 150.22)
   (E)   Gas installations; permits.
      (1)   It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to inspect and approve, after the necessary permit for new construction has been obtained as provided hereinafter, all natural gas installations, whether the installations be for residential or commercial use. No permit fee shall be required of existing installations operated prior to this section being enacted.
      (2)   Every person owning, leasing, operating or in possession of any building or structure within the city shall permit the Plumbing Inspector to enter the building or structure as often as it is deemed necessary by the Inspector for the limited purpose of discharging his or her duties prescribed by this chapter, and it shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or lessee of any premises to prevent or interfere with the entry for inspection purposes. The Inspector shall, upon request of the owner, occupant, or lessee of any premises, exhibit his or her authority to make the entry.
      (3)   It shall be unlawful for any person to install natural gas lines and hook-ups therefor in any new construction, either residential or commercial in nature, without first obtaining a permit from the office of the Planning and Community Development Department. The registration fee shall be in accordance with Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter.
      (4)   After inspection of the gas lines and installation thereof, the Plumbing Inspector shall issue a certificate of approval, if the work is approved. If the installation is not approved, the Inspector shall issue a report citing each objection to the approval to the applicable owner, construction firm or builder.
      (5)   This section shall not be construed to relieve from, or lessen the liability of, any person, firm or corporation from damages to any one injured by any defect or any negligent manner of installation authorized herein; nor shall the city, or any agent thereof, be held liable therefor by reason of any inspection herein authorized and made under the authority, or by reason of the certificate of approval issued by the Plumbing Inspector.
      (6)   All plastic or rubber lines, whether permanent or temporary, carrying natural gas, shall be buried at least 24 inches underground.
(2002 Code, § 150.23)
   (F)   Gas fitting licensing and registration.
      (1)   All persons who design, construct, install, assemble, alter, service, repair or maintain any devices related to natural or LP gas systems, must first register with the City Clerk.
         (a)   All registrants must be state-licensed, if required by current state law, and must pass the city’s licensing examination.
      (2)   The registration fee shall be in accordance with Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter.
      (3)   (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any work related to gas fitting without registering a permit and license, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
         (b)   It shall likewise be unlawful for any contractor to employ any person to do the work unless the employee is registered under the provisions of this code of ordinances.
      (4)   Each applicant for registration shall furnish the city a good and sufficient bond as defined in Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter. This bond shall guarantee that all work performed and equipment installed shall be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(2002 Code, § 150.64)
   (G)   Electrical contractor.
      (1)   All persons, firms, partnerships, corporations or individuals, engaged locally, or hereafter engaging, in installing electrical fixtures, wiring or apparatus in or on any building within the corporate limits of the city shall register with the Planning and Community Development Department before they may engage in the work.
      (2)   The registration fee shall be in accordance with Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter.
      (3)   All applicants for a city plumbing license shall be licensed to do so under the Electrical License Act (59 O.S. §§ 1680 et seq.) as administered by the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board. No person shall electrical work, except a state-licensed and locally licensed contractor, except as provided in this section.
      (4)   The City Council, by resolution, shall establish fees associated with first time and renewal registrants. Said fees shall be paid at the Planning and Community Development Department and the registration shall not be valid unless it has attached to it or written on it, a receipt or statement showing that the required fee has been paid. Registration fees in a current year are for the period January 1 to December 31 of the year in which registration occurs. Any registration that is lapsed for longer than one month shall apply for a new registration in the same manner and under the same conditions as a new applicant.
      (5)   It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to make inspection of all work for which a permit has been issued within 48 hours after having been notified the work is ready for inspection. Sundays and holidays are not included.
      (6)   All permits hereinafter provided for shall be issued by the Planning and Community Development Department during regular office hours.
      (7)   No person, firm, partnership, corporation or individual shall conceal or cause to be concealed any electrical conductors, used for electric light, heat or power until the time as they know the work has been approved by the Electrical Inspector and a tag properly signed and dated indicating the approval. The “roughed in” inspection by the Electrical Inspector must, when approved by the Electrical Inspector, be indicated by a tag plainly visible approving the work or that the work is not up to standard and must not be covered until approved by the Inspector.
      (8)   All “roughing in” work shall include service switch, branch blocks or panel board and cabinets. When installing conduit, metal molding or armored cable, all connections must be soldered, taped to be free from grounds, and left ready for attachment of fixtures and other appliances. All lights in bathrooms and damp places must be controlled by wall switches, preferably of a double pole type.
      (9)   All persons, firms, partnerships, corporations or individuals who desire to do any electrical wiring in or on any building in the city shall furnish the city with a certificate of insurance as defined in Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter. This bond shall, as a guarantee that the installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, and further conditioned that the party shall, without further cost to the person for when the work is done, remedy any defective or faulty work caused by incompetent workmanship or inferior and non- standard materials. The certificate of insurance shall be security for the correction and pay any additional costs arising from the above-mentioned causes. The above mentioned certificate of insurance shall be made to the city.
      (10)   It shall be unlawful for any public service corporation, individual or public utility company to connect, or cause to be connected any service, or building, for the supply of electric current, light, heat or power, until they have been notified by the Electrical Inspector that the electric work has been inspected and approved and it is ready for electrical service.
      (11)   No bond will be required for the installing of Pioneer Telephone Company or signal systems not using over 12 volts, but the installation of the same must comply with all other requirements of this chapter.
      (12)   The Electrical Inspector shall require that armored cables be used only when in his or her judgment it is impractical to install conduit. In the case where there has been prior work concealed, knob and tubal or open cleat work that is concealed, and when in the judgment of the Electrical Inspector it is safe, there may be extensions of this same kind of work at these installations providing the extensions are not over ten feet in length.
      (13)   The Electrical Inspector may make inspections of any installed work during reasonable hours if for any reason there is belief that the work is unsafe. If it is found to need correction and the person, firm or corporation is so notified and refuses to make the correction within a reasonable time, they shall be deemed guilty of a violation of the provisions of this chapter and each day after notification shall be considered a separate offense. After the hazardous or unsafe electrical condition has been discovered and due notice given for its correction and, if the correction has not been made, the Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to provide for discontinuance of electric service.
   (H)   General contractor license.
      (1)   Any lead person or company providing any construction services, including all persons required to be licensed by the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board, shall hold a current and valid certificate of registration issued by the Planning and Community Development Department. The purpose of registration is to verify the holder of the registration is compliant with applicable state statutes and agency regulations, hold valid liability insurance, and hold workers compensation. This license covers all employees of the company or firm (except for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other licenses that are required), and any subcontractors not otherwise required to be licensed with the city.
      (2)   Registration fee shall be in accordance with Appendix A, Table 5 of this chapter. All registrants shall be state-licensed.
      (3)   The City Council, by resolution, shall establish fees associated with first time and renewal registrants. The fees shall be paid at the Planning and Community Development Department and the registration shall not be valid unless it has attached to it or written on it, a receipt or statement showing that the required fee has been paid. Registration fees in a current year are for the period January 1 to December 31 of the year in which registration occurs. Any registration that is lapsed for longer than one month shall apply for a new registration in the same manner and under the same conditions as a new applicant.
(2002 Code, § 150.59) (Ord. 254, passed 12-15-1987; Ord. 294, passed 12-9-1991; Ord. 970, passed 4-8-2024) Penalty, see § 10.99