§ 113.001 DEFINITIONS.
   (A)   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   (B)   All technical or oil and gas industry words or phrases used in this chapter and not specifically defined in this section shall have that meaning customarily attributable thereto by prudent operators in the oil and gas industry. Except as otherwise provided, these definitions shall be applicable only to this chapter.
      COMMERCIAL DISPOSAL WELL. A well where the owner/operator receives and disposes of produced water or any other deleterious substance from multiple well owners/operators and receives compensation for these services and where the owner/operator’s primary business objective is to provide these services. This definition does not include those private wells established for on-site disposal of produced water from wells within a common unit established by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
      COMPLETION OPERATIONS or COMPLETION. That portion of the drilling activities that includes the work that is performed after initial drilling activities and prior to production activities for the purpose of optimizing the production of a well.
      DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCE. Any chemical, saltwater, oilfield brine, waste oil, waste emulsified oil, basic sediment, mud or injurious substances produced or used in the drilling, development, producing, transportation, refining and processing of oil, gas or condensate.
      DRILLING. The process by which the earth is bored to create a pathway to formations containing hydrocarbons to allow for their production to the surface.
      DRILLING ACTIVITIES. Those activities commonly performed at the drilling and production site necessary or incidental to getting hydrocarbons to market, including completion, redrilling, recompletion or reworking operations, but not including production activities or establishment of a commercial disposal well as defined in this chapter.
      DRILLING AND PRODUCTION SITE. The area dedicated to all oil and gas well drilling or production activities, or both, including the drilling and production area, all structures, dehydrators, parking areas, security cameras, lighting, tanks, tank battery (or any other tank grouping area), drilling rigs, separators, compressors as associated with gathering lines, perimeter walls, utilities, and all other features or objects contemplated for use during and after oil and gas well drilling or production activities. Excluded from this definition are gathering and transmission lines and compressor stations and commercial disposal wells as defined in this chapter.
      EPA. The United States Environmental Protection Agency or successor agency.
      GAS. Gas or natural gas, as such terms are used in the rules, regulations, or forms of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Typically, a naturally-occurring gaseous substance primarily composed of methane and other light, gaseous hydrocarbons.
      GAS PRODUCTION. The phase that occurs after successful exploration, drilling and development involving operations including, but not limited to, gas wells, tanks, dehydrators, separators, mud pits, ponds, tank batteries or associated mechanical equipment, and during which hydrocarbons are extracted from the gas field, but does not include the operation of a commercial disposal well as defined in this chapter.
      GAS WELL. Any well drilled for the production of gas or classified as a gas well under the state statutes or the Oklahoma Corporation Commission regulations.
      HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN. The hazardous materials management plan and hazardous materials inventory statements required by the Fire Code.
      NON-COMMERCIAL DISPOSAL WELLS. A well drilled by an operator for the purpose of disposing of produced water from that operator.
      OCC. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission or successor agency.
      ODEQ. The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality or successor agency.
      OIL. Oil or crude oil as such terms are used in the rules, regulations or forms of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
      OIL AND GAS INSPECTOR or INSPECTOR. An inspector designated by the city that is responsible for primary enforcement of this chapter.
      OIL PRODUCTION. The phase that occurs after successful exploration, drilling and development involving operations including, but not limited to, oil wells, tanks, dehydrators, separators, mud pits, ponds, tank batteries or associated mechanical equipment, and during which hydrocarbons are extracted from the oil field, but does not include the operation of a commercial disposal well as defined in this chapter.
      OIL WELL. Any well drilled for the production of oil or classified as an oil well under the state statutes or the Oklahoma Corporation Commission regulations.
      OPERATOR. The person(s) or company who or which is permitted and bonded by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and who or which is in charge and in control of drilling, maintaining, operating, pumping, and producing any well or pipeline including, without limitation, a unit operator.
      PERMIT. The authority granted by the City Council pursuant to the provisions set out in this chapter. May also be referred to herein as DRILLING PERMIT, OIL AND GAS PERMIT or CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT.
      PIT. A temporary or permanent containment for circulated fluids and drilling products or waste.
      PLUGGING AND ABANDONMENT. Plugging as defined by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and includes the plugging of the well, abandoned, orphaned or otherwise, and restoration of the drilling and production site as required by this chapter.
      POLLUTION. The contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of any natural waters of the city, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous or solid substance into any water of the city as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful or detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other beneficial uses, or to livestock, animals or aquatic life.
      PRODUCING WELL. A well that has been completed and is presently capable of yielding oil or gas.
      PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES or PRODUCTION. The extraction of hydrocarbons from a well after drilling and completion, but does not include the operation of a commercial disposal well as defined in this chapter.
      PRODUCTION SITE. That area of the drilling and production site utilized for production activities after well completion.
      PROTECTED USE. Any dwelling, church, public park, public library, medical facility, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or elementary, middle or high school, public pool, senior center, public recreation center or licensed business.
      TANK. A natural or man-made container, covered or uncovered, in which to store, contain or mix liquids or hydrocarbons used or produced in conjunction with the drilling, stimulation or production operations of an oil or gas well.
      WELL, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY QUALIFIED. Any hole or bore drilled to any depth for the purpose of producing oil, gas or liquefied petroleum matter or for the injection or disposal of any of such materials, including commercial and noncommercial disposal wells.
(Ord. 814, passed 6-11-2018; Ord. 834, passed 2-21-2019; Ord. 956, passed 12-11-2023)