(A)   Every residential, commercial, industrial or business structure located within the corporate limits of the city shall secure all of its potable water from the water system owned by the city and leased to the Public Works Authority, and shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system owned by the Public Works Authority, except as follows.
      (1)   Structures serviced by an existing private water well and/or methods of private sewage disposal approved by the state’s and the local Health Departments shall not be required to connect to city water or sewer service. Nothing herein shall prevent the inclusion of the property into a sewer or water improvement assessment district.
      (2)   Single-family structures erected after the date of the adoption of this section, located on property which is not part of any development or subdivision, the exterior boundary of which is more than 500 feet from the nearest municipal water or sewer line. Nothing herein shall prevent the inclusion of the property into a sewer or water improvement assessment district.
      (3)   Structures erected after the date of this section’s adoption which are located on any property which is not located adjacent to the public sewer system may utilize a private sewer system, subject to all state and local Health Department requirements.
   (B)   Nothing herein shall prohibit the use of water for non-potable purposes from an existing water well within the city limits or prohibit the drilling of a private water well on any property within the city limits for the purpose of obtaining water for non- potable purposes; providing that, a permit is obtained from the Building Inspector for the drilling of the water well and further providing that the water well is not connected to any structure which is not exempt from connection to the water system.
(2002 Code, § 50.03) (Ord. 271, passed 10-9-1989)