(A)   All production operations proposed within the FEMA 100-year designated flood plain shall comply with the adopted flood hazard regulations and shall be fully flood proofed to city streets.
   (B)   The production site shall be of sufficient size and dimension to permit the entry and safe movement of emergency and fire vehicles.
   (C)   No operation conducted on the production site shall create any noise which causes an exterior noise level greater than 75dB when measured at the location of a protected use.
      (1)   The exterior noise level generated by operations at the production site may be monitored by the city for compliance. If a noise complaint is received by either the operator or the city from the occupant of any protected use, the operator shall, within 24 hours of notice of the complaint, continuously monitor for a minimum of a 24-hour period the exterior noise level generated by operations at the production site at the protected use that is the source of the complaint and shall provide the city a report within 24-hours of monitoring completion, detailing noise levels in no less than one-hour intervals, obtained during the 24-hour monitoring period. The city may, after receipt of the monitoring findings, impose additional noise restrictions on the production site.
      (2)   Acoustical blankets, sound walls, mufflers, landscaping or other permanent methods may be used to mitigate noise emanating from the production site. All soundproofing shall comply with accepted industry standards and applicable fire codes.
      (3)   The sound level meter used in conducting noise evaluations shall meet the American National Standard Institute’s Standard for sound meters or an instrument and the associated recording and analyzing equipment which will provide equivalent data.
      (4)   A citation may be immediately issued for failure to comply with the provisions of this division (C), and the operator shall immediately bring the noise level into compliance. However, if the operator is in compliance with the approved production mitigation plan, and a violation still occurs, the operator will be given 24 hours from notice of noncompliance to correct the violation from an identified source before a citation is issued. Additional extensions of the 24-hour grace period may be granted in the event that the source of the violation cannot be identified after reasonable diligence by the operator.
   (D)   The motor power for all well drilling equipment shall meet the noise requirements set forth in this chapter.
   (E)   The operator shall minimize the escape of toxic, noxious, or offensive odors, fumes, and emissions from the production site during production operations. Gas emissions shall be shielded from the direction of any protected use located adjacent to the production site. Air quality at the separation boundary of an adjoining protected use shall meet applicable EPA or ODEQ standards during production operations. The Oil and Gas Inspector may require the installation of air quality monitoring devices at the separation boundary upon receipt of a complaint or whenever conditions warrant such action. The cost of monitoring may be assessed against the operator.
   (F)   The operator shall minimize the escape of dust from the production site during production operations. Clean water shall be applied to the production site and all unpaved points of access to the site to prevent dust migration to adjoining properties, as necessary. The operator may utilize a chip seal or equivalent best management practice approved by the city in lieu of watering for dust mitigation.
   (G)   The operator shall utilize secondary containment measures in accordance with OCC regulations. In the absence of such regulations, the operator shall construct a secondary containment system at the production site designed to fully contain a spill quantity equal to 150% the aggregate rated capacity of all tanks and vessels located on the production site. Secondary containment shall be designed to include the volume of a 24-hour rainfall as determined by a 25-year storm and provision shall be made to drain accumulations of ground water and rainfall.
   (H)   The production site shall remain free of all weeds, rubbish, brush, trash or debris at all times.
   (I)   The operator shall remove or cause to be removed all contamination and associated waste materials after any spill, leak or discharge. Clean-up operations shall begin immediately.
   (J)   The operator shall close the production site in a manner that minimizes the need for care after closure. To achieve this requirement, the site shall be reclaimed to the condition identified on the site reclamation plan, as nearly as practicable.
(Ord. 814, passed 6-11-2018; Ord. 815, passed 9-11-2018; Ord. 823, passed 10-9-2018; Ord. 832, passed 2-21-2019; Ord. 956, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see §  113.999