The Emergency Management Director shall be responsible to the City Manager in regard to all phases of emergency management or disaster activity. Under the supervision of the City Manager, he or she shall be responsible for the planning, coordination, and operation of emergency management/civil defense activity (disaster services) in the city. Under the supervision of the City Manager, he or she shall maintain liaison with the state and federal authorities and the authorities of other nearby political subdivisions as to ensure the most effective operations of the emergency management program. His or her duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   (A)   Monitoring and maintaining an awareness of all threats to and vulnerabilities of the city, including those that are natural, manmade, or technological in nature; promoting actions to mitigate, where possible, the threats and vulnerabilities identified; coordinating and disseminating information concerning those threats and vulnerabilities to the emergency management forces of the city, the civilian population, and other interested parties; and providing alerting and/or warning concerning impending threats to the population of the city;
   (B)   Developing and coordinating plans for the immediate use of all of the facilities, equipment, manpower and other resources of the city for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to persons and property; and protecting and restoring to usefulness governmental services and public utilities necessary for public health, safety and welfare;
   (C)   Coordinating the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the city for disaster purposes;
   (D)   Negotiating and concluding agreements with owners or persons in control of buildings or other property for the use of such buildings or other property for emergency purposes and designating suitable buildings as public shelters;
   (E)   Providing and promoting informational, educational, outreach, and training programs to emergency management forces of the city, the civilian population, and other interested parties as to the mitigation of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from disasters, civil emergencies and enemy attack, as defined herein;
   (F)   Conducting practice exercises to ensure the efficient operation of emergency and disaster forces and to familiarize disaster workers and residents with disaster regulations, procedures and operations;
   (G)   Maintaining and managing an emergency operations center and other support facilities and locations during disaster operations, so as to facilitate coordination of emergency management forces during disasters, civil emergencies and enemy attack;
   (H)   Coordinating the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any disaster activity, real or implied;
   (I)   Assuming such authority and conducting such activity as the City Manager may direct to promote and execute the emergency operations plan;
   (J)   Supporting long-term recovery efforts within the city after disasters, civil emergencies and enemy attack; and promoting efforts to increase the city's resiliency prior to, during, and after emergency events; and
   (K)   Documenting all activities conducted in support of emergency management program objectives; and providing required information and reports to the City Manager, the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM), the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), and other governmental agencies and organizations as required and appropriate.
(Ord. 947, passed 6-12-2023)