§ 34.11  USES.
   Expenditures to be made from the Fund established by this subchapter shall be made pursuant to and only for the ordinary and necessary maintenance operating expenses for the items as set forth in this section and in accordance with applicable laws of the state:
   (A)   Public safety (including law enforcement, fire protection, and building code enforcement).
   (B)   Environmental protection (including sewage disposal, sanitation, and pollution abatement).
   (C)   Public transportation (including transit systems and streets and roads).
   (D)   Health.
   (E)   Recreation.
   (F)   Libraries.
   (G)   Social services for the poor or aged.
   (H)   Financial administration.
   (I)   Ordinary and necessary capital expenditures authorized by law.
('80 Code, § 2-1(b))  (Ord. 1091, passed 12-4-72)