Adult bookstores or museums & massage parlors
C-2, I-1, I-2
A-2, L-1, E, F-1, H-1, K-25, S,T,V
Adult amusements as defined herein
C-2, I-1, I-2
A-2, F-1, H-1, K-25, S, T, V, AA-1
Agricultural use which involves produce stands for sale of commodities raised on premises
All except R-1
Not applicable
Airport or heliport
All except C-3 and FP
B-6 (Heliport), B-12, N-2 (Airport), G, H-2, I-1 (Airport), I-2 (Heliport), J-1, K-1, L-2, P, R-1, S, T, U, V, W, Y
Artificial lake of three or more acres
All except C-3
C-1, I-1, J-1, K-2, P, R-1, U-1, V, W, Y
Auto body paint shop
C-1, C-2, I-1, I-2
C-7, J-6, K-25, V, Y
Boarding or lodging house
C-1, C-2, I-1
K-26, U-1
Bulk oil and bottled gas storage aboveground and tank farm
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
C-11, H-1
Bulletin board for a church or a public building
All except C-4, I-1, IR
Not applicable
Cemetery or crematory
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2, IR, FP
B-11, C-2, I-1, P, Q, R-1, V, W, Y
Church or temple
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2, IR, FP
K-24, S, T, V, B-6
Clinic or medical health center
R-2, R-3, C-1, C-2, C-3, I-1, I-2
B-1, C-3, H-4, J-1, K-3, I-1, R-1
College building
All except C-3, I-1, I-2, FP
B-1, C-6, D-3, G, H-4, T, K-4, I-2, M-1, N-1, P, V, I
Conversion of single-family dwelling to two-family dwelling
B-14, C-1, F-5, H-1, K-27, P, Y
Country club or golf course
All except C-3, C-4
C-1, D-3, J-1, K-5, I-1, P, R-1, V, W, Y
Fire station or police station
B-1, C-1, H-1, J-1, K-6, L-1, S, Y
Fraternity, sorority and student cooperatives
R-2, R-3, C-1, C-2
One for each 3 occupants, S, T, B-1
Greenhouse, commercial
All except C-3, C-4, FP
B-4, C-6, F-2, H-1, K-7, M-4, N-1, R-1, V, W, Y
Group home
C-1, C-2, I-1
K-26, U-1
Home occupation
All except C-3, C-4, FP
B-, C-1, F-1, H-1, K-8, V, Y
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2, IR, FP
B-7, C-6, G, H-5, J-1, K-9, L-2, MS, N-1, P, S, T, V, Y
Housing for tenant and seasonal workers engaged in agricultural operations
RS, I-1, IR
B-1, C-1, K-28
Industrial park
All except R-1, R-2, R-3, C-3, C-4, FP
A-1, B-10, C-7, D-3, G, H-3, J-2, K-10, L-2, M-6, N-2, O, P, Q-1, R-1, S, T, V, W, Y
Junk yard
C-1, E, H-1, I-4, K-11, L-5, M-2, N-3, R-1, S, T, V, W, Y
Kindergarten or day nursery
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2, IR, FP
B-3, C-8, F-3, H-1, J-3, J-1, K-12, P, R-1, V, Y
Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal, and their storage areas
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
C-9, E, H-1, I-5, J-1, N-3, R-1, S, T, U-3, V, W, Y
Mobile home
RS, C-1, C-2, I-1
B-8, C-6, D-2, H-1, J-1, R-1, V, Y, K-8
R-2, R-3, RS, C-1, C-2
B-14, C-1, K-30, S, Y
Municipal or governmental building
All except FP
B-1, C-1, H-1, K-6, I-1, S
Nursing home, homes for the aged and group homes
R-2, R-3, RS, C-1, C-2
B-1, C-3, B-4, K-29
Outdoor commercial recreational enterprise
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
C-4, D-1, H-1, I-1, J-3, K-14, L-2, N-1, P, R-2, S, T, V, W, Y
Outdoor theater
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
C-6, I-6, K-11, P, R-1, S, T, V, W, Y
Penal or correctional institution
C-2, I-1, I-2, IR
B-13, C-10, E, G, K-15, L-5, N-3, P, R-1, Y
Power transmission line
Practice golf-driving range
All except R-1, R-2, R-3, C-3
C-6, I-7, J-3, K-16, L-2, R-1, V, W, Y
Private recreational development
All except C-3
C-4, G, H-1, J-3, K-2, L-2, R-1, V, W, Y
Produce terminal, wholesale
I-1, I-2, IR
B-10, C-7, D-3, E, H-1, I-8, J-1, K-11, L-4, M-3, N-2, P. R-1, S, T, V, W, Y
Plant nursery
All except C-3, C-4, FP
B-6, C-1, M-3, N-2, R-1, V, W, Y
Public camp
C-1, C-2, I-1, IR
B-7, C-6, D-1, H-1, J-3, K-17, L-2, R-1, U-1, V,      W, Y
Public or commercial sanitary fill or refuse dump
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
B-11, C-11, E, I-9, J-5, R-1, U-1, V, W, Y
Public or commercial sewage or garbage disposal plant
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
B-11, C-11, E, K-19, R-1, U-1, V, W, Y
Public or employee parking area
All except FP
B-2, P, R-1, S, T, V, X,    Y, Z
Public library or museum
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, L-2, IR, FP
B-1, C-1, H-1, K-6, I-1,    S, Y
Public park or public recreational facility
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2
None required
Public utility substation or exchange
C-1, G, J-4, K-18, R-1,      V, Y
Radio or television tower
K-19, R-1, V
Railroad right-of-way and uses essential to railroad operation
All except FP
H-1, K-20, R-1, V
Raising and breeding non-farm fowl and animals, commercially, except kennel
RS, I-1, I-2, IR
B-4, C-10, H-1, J-1, K-7, L-2, M-1, N-2, R-1, V, W, Y
Riding stable
I-1, I-2, IR
B-5, C-10, H-1, J-1, K-21, M-1, R-1, V, W, Y
School, public or parochial
All except C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2, IR, FP
B-1, C-1, H-1, K-30, I-1, S, Y
Seasonal fishing or hunting lodge
All except R-1, R-2, R-3, C-3, C-4, FP
B-1, C-1, F-4, K-22, V,      W, Y
Shopping center
A-2, B-9, C-2, G, J-1, K-23, L-3, M-3, N-1, O, P, S, T, U-1, V, Y
Stadium or coliseum
All except C-1, C-3, C-4, FP
B-7, C-2, J-1, K-24, L-2, M-2, N-1, P, R-2, S, T,      V, Y
Tavern or night club; private lodge, club, or restaurant where alcoholic beverages are sold by the drink
C-1, C-2, C-3, I-1, I-2
A-2, C-1, E, F-1, H-1, K-24, S, T, V
Truck freight terminal
C-2, I-1, I-2, IR
C-1, E, J-1, K-25, L-4, N-2, P, R-1, S, T, V, W, Y
Tourist home
C-1, C-2, RS
B-1, C-1, F-1, H-1, K-26, R-1, V, Y
NOTE:  Use of # symbol in this Appendix indicates that the requirements of the District apply to the Variance where located.
A.   Classification of use permitted.
   1.   Light industrial
   2.   Local business
B.   Minimum lot area.
   1.   #
   2.   1,500 square feet
   3.   110 square feet per child
   4.   25,000 square feet
   5.   20,000 square feet plus 5,000 square feet per horse over four horses
   6.   1 acre
   7.   5 acres
   8.   5 acres including 1,000 square feet per mobile home stand
   9.   6 acres
   10.   20 acres
   11.   40 acres
   12.   80 acres
   13.   320 acres
   14.   Two times requirement of single-family dwelling
C.   Minimum yards. (Feet)
      FRONT   SIDE (each)      REAR
   1.   #      #            #
   2.   #      50            50
   3.   #      10            30
   4.   #      40            40
   5.   #      --            --
   6.   100      40            40
   7.   100   Abutting Residential  =      75
         Abutting Other Use    =      35
   8.   #      20            #
   9.   150      150            150
   10.   100      100            100
   11.   300      300            300
D.   Building setback from center line of interior road.  (Feet)
   1.   40
   2.   50
   3.   85
E.   Use permitted not closer than 300 feet to a residential district.
F.   Minimum gross floor area of principal buildings.  (Square Feet)
   1.   #
   2.   Over 1,000
   3.   Determined by number of children to be accommodated
   4.   400
   5.   Two times single-family dwelling
G.   Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application.
H.   Maximum height of structure.  (Feet)
   1.   #
   2.   As required by appropriate state or federal agency
   3.   Same as light industrial
   4.   45
   5.   70
I.   Fence.
   1.   6-foot wire mesh where accessible to the public
   2.   6-foot wire mesh when located at ground level
   3.   4-foot wire mesh around play area
   4.   Solid wall or solid painted fence 8 feet high
   5.   4-foot wire mesh in Residence Area
   6.   Painted board fence 8 feet high
   7.   Adequate to protect abutting use
   8.   6-foot wire mesh
   9.   6-foot solid painted for refuse dump
J.   Screen Planting Where Abutting Residential Use.
   (Tight screen, effective at all times) 
   1.   6-foot height by 6-foot width
   2.   25-foot abutting Residential District or Use
   3.   8-foot height by 6-foot width
   4.   Adequate to screen power substation from street view
   5.   6 feet high along streets for refuse dump
   6.   8 feet high
K.   Parking Spaces.
   1.   1 per 2 employees plus 1 per 4 seats in waiting room
   2.   1 per 2 customers or members
   3.   1 per 2 employees plus 3 per doctor
   4.   1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 6 students
   5.   30
   6.   1 per 3 employees per shift
   7.   1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 125 square feet of sales area
   8.   1 additional
   9.   1 per 4 beds plus 1 per doctor plus 1 per 3 employees plus 1 per hospital vehicle
   10.   1 per 2 employees on largest shift
   11.   1 per 2 employees
   12.   1 per 2 employees plus 1 per 5 children to be accommodated
   13.   1 per 2 employees plus 1 per mobile home stand
   14.   1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 500 square feet of use area
   15.   1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 10 inmates at estimated capacity
   16.   1 per 3 employees plus 1 per driving tee
   17.   1 per camp site and 1 per cabin
   18.   Telephone Exchange - 1 per employee
   19.   1 per employee per shift
   20.   1 per 2 employees where headquartered
   21.   1 per 5,000 square feet
   22.   1
   23.   1 per 60 square feet of sales area
   24.   3 per 4 employees plus 1 per 4 seats
   25.   1 per 2 employees plus 4 for customers
   26.   1 per employee plus 1 per sleeping accommodation
   27.   2
   28.   1 per dwelling unit
   29.   1 per 2 employees and 1 per 6 persons
   30.   1 per 2 employees and 1 per 7 seats in auditorium
L.   Distance of parking area from residential district.  (Feet)
   1.   10
   2.   25
   3.   50
   4.   100
   5.   300
M.   Number of loading and unloading berths.
   (Shall not face on bordering highway.)
   1.   1
   2.   2
   3.   Per Development Plan
   4.   15,000 square feet:      1
      Over 15,000 square feet:   2
   5.   Up to 200 beds:         1
      200   to 500 beds:      2
      Over 500 beds:         3
   6.   Per Appendix F
N.   Distance of loading and unloading berth from residential district.  (Feet)
   1.   50
   2.   100
   3.   300
O.   Plat approval by the Commission to be submitted with application.
P.   Development Plan to be submitted with application.
Q.   Covenant by owners to perpetuate maintenance and approve future  improvements.
R.   Maximum Number of principal entrances from major thoroughfare.
   1.   1
   2.   2
S.   Acceptable relationship to major thoroughfare.
T.   Thoroughfares must be adequate to carry additional traffic engendered by use.
U.   Other authority approval required.
   1.   State Board of Health
   2.   Aeronautics Commission of Indiana
   3.   IC 36-7-4-100 et seq.
V.   Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Commission.
W.   Disposal of liquid and other wastes shall meet the approval of the State Board of Health.
X.   No sales, dead storage, repair work, or dismantling on the lot.
Y.   No parking in the front yard, except as provided in § 152.26.
Z.   Except for approved exits and entrances, a masonry wall 4 feet in height and 6 inches thick erected at required front line of building and may be required along boundaries of parking area as determined by the Commission for the protection of residentially zoned or used property.
AA.   Minimum distance from certain uses.
   1.   Use permitted not closer than 500 feet measured between the closest lot lines of the use proposed and a lot containing a church, school, library, residentially zoned lot, nursery/day care center, hospital, clinic, doctor's office, senior center, public park or any other city or governmentally owned building or property.
(Ord. 2281, passed 4-2-79; Am. Ord. 3245, passed 10-16-00)  Penalty, see § 152.99