(A)   A police officer holding the rank of patrol officer, and with over one year continuous service, will have a right to shift-preference by seniority.
   (B)   The opportunity to exercise shift-preference will occur twice yearly.  These dates being the third Monday of March and the third Monday of September.  These dates will be known hereafter as Sadie Hawkins Days.
   (C)   The Chief of Police shall make the shift adjustment within 14 days from one of the above days, known as the Sadie Hawkins Days.
   (D)   The seniority system will be used when a vacancy occurs and a patrol officer desires to change his shift.
   (E)   In order to make changes with as little delay as possible, a card file will be maintained and will be referred to hereafter as a shift-preference card.  The shift-preference file will be maintained by the Chief of Police.  Patrol officers wishing to exercise their seniority rights may do so by contacting the Chief of Police and changing their shift-preference card.
   (F)   The Chief of Police will keep one position open on each shift, to be filled by the probationary police officers of his choice.  In the event there is no probationary officer, all positions on the shifts will be filled by seniority.
('80 Code, § 20-17)  (Ord. 2123, passed 11-17-75)